Po 16letech jsem zahodil všechen kod webu a napsal celý kod znovu. Vypadá to tu +- stejně, ale pokud narazíte na něco co vám vadí tak mi o tom napište: martin@vorel.eu nebo se mi ozvěte na twitteru Začal jsem dělat change log.
V hre RailGods of Hysterra vás čaká kooperatívna survival cesta v postapo lovecraftovskom svete pre 1-5 hráčov! Ovládajte a rozvíjajte žijúci, monštruózny vlak, vyrábajte zbrane, budujte mobilnú základňu, získavajte schopnosti a postavte sa Prastarým. Svet sa neustále mení. Udržte si zdravý rozum a povýšte do stavu boha! PREŽITE LOVECRAFTSKÚ NOČNÚ MORU V hre RailGods of Hysterra bol svet spustošený príchodom Prastarých - nepredstaviteľne mocných kozmických bytostí. Vy ste Snívajúci. Práve ste...
V hre The Blood of Dawnwalker preberiete postavu Coean, mladého muža premeného na Dawnwalkera, ktorý prechádza medzi svetom svetla a ríšou noci. Je teda vampír a budete používať jeho upírske sily s ľudským odhodlaním, aby ste zachránili vašich milých. Postavíte sa svojim nepriateľom - či už sú to ľudia, monštrá alebo samotné tikajúce hodiny. Ale pamätajte - skutočné zlo sa môže vyhrievať v slnečnom svetle a najvernejší spojenci by mohli číhať pod rúškom noci. V príbehu The Blood of Dawnwalker...
Povstaň z hlbín smrti a získaj späť svoj právoplatný trón v strhujúcej akčnej plošinovke Beyond the Ice Palace 2. Obleč si plášť „Prekliateho kráľa“, ovládni reťaze, ktoré ťa kedysi väznili, ale teraz sa z nich stali hrozivé zbrane, použi ich k zničeniu svojich nepriateľov a vydaj sa nebezpečnou krajinou troskami svojho kráľovstva. Objavuj skryté oblasti, rieš rébusy a odkrývaj tajné poklady, ktoré ti dodajú silu v epických bitkách proti kolosálnym bossom. Zlepšuj strategicky svoju úroveň a ne...
Hra Plane Accident sa zaoberá leteckými nehodami. Hráč v úlohe leteckého inšpektora musí objasniť leteckú nehodu a zistiť, či išlo o ľudskú chybu, technickú závadu alebo snáď nešťastnú náhodu. V prvom rade je potrebné zaistiť miesto nehody, nájsť všetky trosky lietadla či iných zariadení, všetko dôkladne odfotiť. Všetky materiály sú následne odvezené do vášho hangáru, kde prebieha druhá časť hry, samotné zisťovanie príčiny. Nasleduje vyriešenie udalosti a objasnenie príčiny čo sa vlastne sta...
Echo Point Nova je rýchla parkúrová strieľačka z pohľadu vlastných očí. Hra je určená ako pre jedného hráča, tak aj pre kooperatívne hranie cez online multiplayer, kde si hráči môžu prizvať svojich kamarátov. Všetci potom hrajú za elitných vojakov disponujúcich futuristickou doskou a energetickým hákom, ktorí havarujú na cudzej planéte rozorvanej na malé poletujúce ostrovy. Tu sa nachádzajú ruiny, na ktoré podnikli nájazdy tlupy bezcitných žoldnierov majúci za cieľ z pozostatkov zostaviť ničiv...
Preleťte oblohu v hre Aloft, kooperatívnej sandboxovej survival hre zasadenej do sveta plávajúcich ostrovov. Premeňte každý ostrov na vzducholod', váš domov v oblakoch. Hľadajte stratené vedomosti, liečte hubovú korupciu a čelte hurikánu, aby ste obnovili ekosystém. Základom Aloftu je obrovský svet, v ktorom môžete premeniť akýkoľvek plávajúci ostrov, ktorý chcete, na svoju osobnú lietajúcu loď, vybaviť ho plachtami, kormidlom a všetkým, čo potrebuje na využitie vetra. Vychutnáte si pritom bu...
V akčnej RPG Achilles: Survivor, ďalšom dobrodružstvo zo série Achilles, budete čeliť hordám nepriateľov, keď sa vaša moc zmení z hrdinu na boha ničenia. Rozšírte svoj arzenál vďaka inovatívnej stavebnej mechanike, ktorá do žánru bullet heaven prináša novú strategickú vrstvu. Stavajte ohnivé obranné veže a liečivé štruktúry a privolajte spojencov, ktorí vám pomôžu zdecimovať nepriateľov. Tieto budovy ponúkajú nielen ochranu, ale aj strategické výhody, ktoré môžu pomôcť zvrátiť priebeh bitky. H...
Celá naratívne orientovaná hra Closer the Distance sa odohráva v malej dedine Yesterby, ktorej obyvatelia sa musia vyrovnať so stratou milovanej osoby. Dievča menom Angela totiž zahynulo pri autonehode, čo tragicky nesie ako jej rodina, tak kamaráti a ďalšie osoby. Angie je však prítomná v éterickej forme a ako duch musí dohliadnuť na to, aby sa všetci preniesli cez túto stratu. Hráči si v hre Closer the Distance prepínajú medzi jednotlivými charaktermi a ovplyvňujú správanie jednotlivých osô...
Stronghold Crusader: Definitive Edition je remasterovaná a rozšírená verzia stratégie Stronghold Crusader. Cestuj časom a zaži legendárne krížové výpravy do Svätej zeme v definitívnej edícii obľúbenej hry Stronghold Crusader! Pusť sa do púštnych šarvátok rozšírených o nový herný obsah a vylepšenú grafiku, ktorá bola prekreslená podľa pôvodných návrhov. Vrátil sa aj soundtrack, pôvodní dabéri, skladateľ hudby a skúsení vývojári. PODROB SI PÚŠŤ Stronghold Crusader: Definitive Edition rozširuje ...
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Po bicyklovom slalome si v druhej časti nazvanej Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders otestujete svoje lyžiarske schopnosti v pokojných horských kopcoch. Pri skúšaní lyžiarskych trikov a objavovaní skratiek sa pokúsite dosiahnuť čo najlepší čas v zasnežených scenériách Lonely Mountains. Hra Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders obsahuje multiplatformový multiplayer pre 2 až 8 hráčov s konkurenčným pretekárskym režimom, ako aj kooperatívny tímový režim, ktorý je ideálny na trávenie času s priateľmi počas ch...
The popular port of MAME on the original Xbox has been recently updated
Gamezfan continues to fine-tune his port of the MAMEmulator on the orgiinal classic, now retro Xbox console, adding in support more games, and many small improvements to make everything run smoother.
The original Xbox has alot to offer still, it well supported, stable, and affordable to purchase if you don't have one yet, and easy to mod, and besides playing the games that it originally came with, once you have it customized, you will find it makes a great emulation box also, and one of the better emulators out there for it is the MAME port by Gamezfan and he recently updated and added more tweaks.
MAMEoXtras is a port of the popular MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator) system for the XBOX.
-- Includes source code. -- Featuring new updated driver work and brand spanking new skins.
Contains coding by:
-- Erik Abair, opcode, luckyMIC, superfro, XPort, bendermike, Ebsy, HK$, IQ_132, gamezfan, destronger, cbagy, And BritneysPAIRS.
Changes for v1.20:
-- New Games Added
-- Snowboard Championship (Now Playable) -- Gain Ground (Now Playable) -- Crackdown (Now Playable) -- Rough Racer (Now Playable) -- Super Masters Golf (Now Playable) -- Sonic Boom (Now Playable) -- World Cup Volley English Version (Now Playable) -- Professor Pac-Man (Now Playable) -- Scramble Spirits Japan Version (Now Playable)
-- Fixes And Improvements
-- Major Sound Gfx and Game improvements for Gorf -- Major Sound Gfx and Game improvements for Wizard Of Wor -- Improved MCU simulation for Renegade -- Sound and Protection fixes for Chequered Flag -- Control improvements in Chequered Flag -- Fixed Dipswitch in ThunderHoop game defaults to 3 lives now -- Fixed Slowdown issues in US Championship V'Ball -- Sorted some Gfx clipping issues in The Legend Of Kage -- Improved Scramble Spirits Japan Version getting rid of most of the Slowdowns
BTW The Sega System 24 games especially Gain Ground take a short while to boot.
For more info, downloads, and to show your support, please visit the news links below!
News-Source: MAMEoXtras v1.20 Released (via) MaxConsole (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/293492-MAMEoXtras-v1-20-New-version-released-for-Xbox )
Nothing better out there to use then XBMC on your original retro modded Xbox console!
It has been now 5,218 days since the original Xbox was released by Microsoft, but still there is tons of people out there using them in their living rooms as their Media Center for Movies/TV and more!
We might be using Xbox One's now, but before there was this thing called XB1 in our living room taking space, there was amazing new device released 5,218 days ago, that ended up being the de-facto standard for streaming media from our PC's and direct from the 'net, when XBMC was born.
So many things have changed in the 'scene world' since those amazing first Xbox days, so its good to see a team out there still working on the original core of XBMC and adding in little features and improvements for all those people still madly in love with the green box.
XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 has been released. A smaller update again, but includes some weather and scraper fixes, and some library updates.
Changes since 3.5.1 include:
-- Improved compatibility with some Kodi addons. -- Fixes for the TMDB scraper. -- Fix for weather location search and data. -- Python updated to 2.7.11 (including updated SQLite3/OpenSSL). -- Fix for a problem with stuttering video. -- FFMpeg libraries updated to 1.2.12 (the last of the 1.2 series).
Thanks to Dom and tim619 for contributing patches.
For more great info on this release, latest downloads, and support please visit the official links below, and remember above all else, please show them some thanks for their on-going efforts, by dropping a line here thanking them, on their forums, and if possible a small donation, as the original Xbox and our love for XBMC will be around for many years still to come, so lets support them fully!
Official Site: XBMC4Xbox (http://www.xbmc4xbox.org.uk/2016/02/xbmc4xbox-3-5-3-is-out/ )
News-Source: XBMC4Xbox is out (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/293482-XBMC-4-Xbox-Version-3-5-3-is-Released )
All the UnderGround Modding Gear you will ever need for All your Video Gaming Consoles wants!
From now until the end of December 23th, ModChipCentral wants you to get into Merry Video Gaming Christmas Mode, by offering all our loyal readers 5% OFF everything on their website to get you modded!
Happy Holidays and Christmas is just around the corner, and 'tis the season when we go mad with shopping and buying new electronics, and what can you to do with all those cool Xbox or PlayStation consoles, or Nintendo handhelds, or even some Retro Gaming Gear like Gamecube's or Wii's or even maybe a refurb'ed SNES, after you unwrap them, well you can modify them using amazing devices from top brands like Sky3DS, Gateway 3DS, Cobra ODE, Team-Xecuter's CR4XL and much more like Xeno GC modchips and SuperUFO's SNES, and what better company then ModChipCentral to supply all your Video Gaming Needs as right now during their Happy Holidays Events, besides their already low-discounted-prices, they are offering our loyal forum readers another 5% OFF everything on their site, just by placing your order and entering the coupon code of 'MerryXmas2015' when you are ready to checkout, you will get the best price ever, but hurry up and place your order soon, as the special promo deal ends after the 23th.
[QUOTE]MerryXmas2015 Specials:
E3 Flasher
3DS Flashcarts:
R4I 3DS Card
GC XENO Modchip
The above list, is just a small faction of all the amazing UnderGround Scene items you can find on ModChipCentral's webshop, so why not vist the link below and browse thru it, even if you not in the mood at the moment, something I am sure will catch your eye, that you just have to order today before the holidays are here, and remember to use the coupon code 'MerryXmas2015' to get 5% OFF.
Official Site: ModChipCentral (http://www.modchipcentral.com )
All the UnderGround Modding Gear you will ever need for All your Video Gaming Consoles wants!
If you been thinking of modding your console, and waiting for the perfect deal, now is the time as ModChip Central has all the top brands on sale during Black Friday until end of Cyber Monday weekend.
Have you been looking for the right underground scene gear to get your video gaming console fully modded and doing the things you dreamed off, well no longer do you have to worry, as this special super long weekend, our wonderful Modchipcentral sponsor has all the neat gear you want at super special prices, so hurry up and act before Black Friday or Cyber Monday ends, otherwise it will be too late!
CRONUS MAX $39.95 regular $49.95
TX USB PRO V2 $44.95 regular $54.95
TX CR4 XL $22.95 regular $34.95
PS2 FREE MCBOOT $17.95 regular $24.95
PS2 MODBO 745 $5.95 regular $12.95
PS3 E3 Flasher $49.95 regular $69.95
PS3 DMC MODULE $6.95 regular $14.95
3DS Flashcarts:
SKY3DS $74.95 regular $88.49
R4I 3DS Card $11.95 regular $17.95
R4I SAVE DONGLE $11.95 regular $22.95
SUPERCARD DSTWO PLUS $34.95 regular $59.95
GC XENO Modchip $6.95 regular $14.95
WII TO HDMI CONVERTER $12.95 regular $19.95
SNES SUPERUFO PRO 8 SUPERDRIVE $34.95 regular $54.95
360 JTAG/RGH FOR PHAT & SLIM $80.00 regular $120.00
If you don't see the deal you want above, don't worry, just browse their vast website, there is tons of other amazing underground scene gear available all priced at affordable prices, to get your video gaming console modded the way you want this holiday! :)
Black Friday Specials (via) Modchipcentral (http://www,modchipcentral.com )
If you use same password on other forum sites change it asap
It seems a group is after the long-time Team-Xecuter site that been Rockin' the Xbox Scene since early 2000, and were able to finally 'steal' their database and are trying to un-hash their passwords!!
Team-Xecuter has been famous for over a decade in hacking into the original Xbox and Xbox 360, and hopefully in the near future the Xbox One, but it seems someone decided to turn the tables on them and hack TX's big official support forum.
Here is official statement from TX regarding what happen:
We recently moved to a new server and stupidly left our backend open for an easy attack which has now been fixed.
Luckily the guys who gained access left their muddy prints all over the place so it was easy to clean up. What we did find out was more interesting. Who did it, why they did it.
If you want a quality hack, use someone who isn't going to leave their signature all over the place and take 5 minutes to find out who they are and have half their team rat out the other half. In short - don't hire these guys for the job: http://xbl.services http://refaced.org
For the last 12 years our community of 282,000+ members have always had the security of knowing that we have never used their information for any purpose other than to be part of the Xecuter community. You will now be pleased to hear these group of hackers tried to steal the accounts to various high level staff and admin of the se7ensins community, who are also part of the Xecuter community, so they came in to grab our entire database. Hackers have been trying to do this for years and this weekend succeeded due to a stupid failure on our part to button up a few holes in our backed after we moved to a new server, making it easier for lesser skilled individuals.
If you have an account with us you can now assume that your email and password is now in their possession. We highly recommend you change your password here on the Xecuter forums and if you use the password anywhere else that you change it too - there is a maximum probability that it is now, or will be in the very near future compromised. No passwords are stored in clear text of course, they are all hashed but we are very skilled in this area and know there are ways around this so we can only assume they know the same tricks that we do so it is only a matter of time. These guys attempted to install a crappy keylogger too, it didn't work of course, it was a mess so no worries there.
We're not sure who to reach out to at se7ensins but i'm sure this will no doubt reach their ears in good time.
We are reporting this news since alot of Xbox and Xbox 360'ers use our forum site, and just might have similar passwords out there, and as warning to other website admins that run similar 'scene' sites keep an eye out for this horrible group of messy bad hackers.
Official Site: Xecuter Forum Database Stolen (http://team-xecuter.com/xecuter-forum-database-stolen/ )
Bundles & Xbox Dominate the Console War
The XBOne dominated Black Friday sales, according to market-research firm InfoScout. Microsoft�s latest system made up 53 percent of all console sales on one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
It most likely will be a few weeks before we get official sales tracking info on what console did the most sales over the American Thanksgiving long weekend, famously called Black Friday / Cyber Monday, but one market research firm is claiming the Microsoft Xbox One came out as the King of Hill for holiday sales so far.
The Xbox One was on sale for $330 at a number of big stores like Target and Walmart, and Microsoft bundled it with big games like Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Unity. That helped gamers choose the Xbox One over the PlayStation 4, which was $400 bundled with Bungie's sci-fi shooter Destiny or with the rereleases of Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us.
They claim XB1 got 53% of the Black Friday sales, compare to 31% for Sony's PS4, and leaving 16% to other consoles.
As shown in the picture above from InfoScout, the poor Nintendo Wii U come in losing Fourth place below Microsoft's older Xbox 360.
News-Source: Xbox One beats PS4 on Black Friday (via) MaxConsole (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/285884-Xbox-One-beats-PS4-on-Black-Friday )
Nice update for RGH'ing the Phat Xbox360's consoles by 15432
15432 over at hackfaq.net has released custom firmwares in XSVF format for X360ACE v1/v2 to support RGH2 in fat Xbox 360 consoles. The firmware files can be flashed via JTAG interface.
ModRobert over at EurAsia is reporting that 15432 has released a nice update for the X360ACE glitch'ing chips that are very affordable let via stable, so now with this custom firmware you be able to easy RGH your Phat Xbox 360 console.
Here is the translated tutorial from HackFAQ posted by 15432 in Russian:
For about a month I have been working on the launch of the chip RGH2 x360ace. Finally, everything is ready for release!
For fun, try to arrange an article in the form of FAQ
Q: Why now? RGH2 on veils was for a long time!
A: Cheap and powerful chips x360ace appeared relatively recently. Besides, I was impressed this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNv4OWGyqP0 ) Indicating that stable RGH2 on fatkah possible.
Q: The video and so x360ace, why do something different?
A: Unfortunately, the author has not posted any code or xsvf files. I had to do everything myself
Q: How quickly start?
A: In my console - in the region of 4 cycles. But I did not even try to optimize starts by moving the wires and other magic. I'm sure you can do better.
Q: Faster than CR4?
A: No, not faster. Using ECC CR4 images can be reduced to the time of one cycle, but stability at start up CR4.
Q: What console are supported?
A: Judging by the reviews on Falcon and Jasper works. When will I Zephyr and Xenon - and for them to do
Q: Where can I download ??
A: Set the firmware available here (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16255396/hackfaq_soft/x360rgh2_release.rar ) Source code posted on GitHub (https://github.com/15432/X360ACE_RGH2 )
Q: The most important question. How to install?
A: For starters, you need to find x360ace v1 or v2:
You can buy them on the ebay or aliexpress. With a price of $ 2 - $ 10 apiece, a fake bump difficult because almost nobody forges.
Then find what they ask. XSVF files are supported by programmers as Super NAND Flasher, NAND-X and JR-Programmer
If zamorochitsya separately, can be written through Squirt 360 flasher and even after MTX SPI Flasher. But still recommend something from above.
Contact us to write firmware are on the opposite side of the chip:
Next you need to solder them to the console. Points marked similarly TX Coolrunner, problems should arise. Use your favorite laying wires, then I will tell you how to find the appropriate firmware file.
The only thing that requires change is the chip power. Need to unsolder and solder the diode at that point postings with 1.8V:
1.8V to take from here:
So. Now the most interesting - how to choose the firmware.
important note. if the chip is already soldered to the console before the firmware you want to paste the power to Xbox!
Firmware files are named according to the principle l x _s y, where x - pulse length, y - the start point.
Diode chip flashes to the beat of the bus post_out, it will help to choose the right firmware without logic analyzer.
Most importantly - find the pulse length is the main problem RGH2. It's simple, but the sign for more info:
-- write l6_s5.xsvf, look at the behavior of the LED. -- most likely for one cycle you will see a lot of small pulses and one of Authenticity ("long" cycle). This means that the pulse length is too small. -- take the firmware with more length, for example l7_s5.xsvf, again, look at the diode. -- continue to increase the length, until there are only cycles of short pulses blinking ("short" cycle). -- Finally, you need to choose a length, when there are "short" and "long" cycles interspersed. -- If not, then select the minimum length of a short cycle.
Once decided on the length, select the time of discharge, it is easier - to sort out all 4 options.
In general, I have triggered flash l7_s6 and l7_s7. Startups are not perfect, sometimes up to 15 cycles comes, but I'm not trying to change the styling.
Who are interested, here's a video, shot in the dark 7 on the video starts, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 2, 2, 11
We'll see both long and short flashes when trying to start, but nothing more to be seen)
For more info please see the original source (http://www.hackfaq.net/xbox360/x360ace/ (http://www.hackfaq.net/xbox360/x360ace/ )) and for the needed files, check out the news links below. -- Enjoy!
News-Source: RGH2 (phat) firmware for X360ACE released (via) EurAsia (http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3362&mode=&order=0&thold=0 )
Get great deals from MCC for all your Xbox 360 modding needs!
Even tho the Xbox One is out, the 360 console is still going to be hot-seller this Holiday and best of all the 360 is fully moddable, and MCC has you covered with the latest cool Team-Xecuter gadgets!
Team-Xecuter has been rocking' the Xbox scene for over a decade now, they have been a trusted brand when it comes to modding your Microsoft Xbox gaming consoles, and so has ModChipCentral they been a trusted reseller and supporter of the video gaming modding scene for just as long, and are offering up great deals for your Holiday shopping this season, along with discount codes for more deals on TX products.
Here is sample of some of latest cool TX gadgets you can order from MCC today:
-- Xecuter x360USB / x360 USB Pro v2.0 (http://www.modchipcentral.com/store/xecuter-x360usb-pro-v2-usa-canada.html ) -- x360Key / XK3Y-R (xbox 360 key) Rev 7-2 (v1.1) (http://www.modchipcentral.com/store/x360key-xbox-360-key-solderless-usb-loader-usa-canada.html ) -- Xecuter CR4 XL RGH/JTAG SLIM and PHAT! (http://www.modchipcentral.com/store/Xecuter-CR4-XL-RGH/JTAG-SLIM-and-PHAT-USA-Canada.html ) -- Xecuter DemoN (http://www.modchipcentral.com/store/xecuter-demon-dual-nand-usa-canada.html )
Check out ModChipCentral (http://www.modchipcentral.com )'s website for more great products and other deals and use coupon code xecuter5 for 5% off on your order!
Don't worry if you too busy on CyberMonday, this great deal will be available thru-out the whole Holiday Season for our loyal readers! :)
Official Site: ModChipCentral (http://www.modchipcentral.com )
Mobilní aplikace typu vše v jednom, které kombinují několik miniaplikací a služeb v jedné univerzální platformě, se už objevily ve spotřebitelské sféře. Dostanou se ale i do podnikového prostředí?
Organizace zavádějí nástroje generativní umělé inteligence závratnou rychlostí, ale bez školení může dojít k prudkému nárůstu obav u zaměstnanců, vedoucí nejen k ignorování moderních technologií.
I když se společnosti předhánějí v zavádění nástrojů generativní umělé inteligence, aby byly konkurenceschopnější a produktivnější, několik překážek vede k tomu, že se od pilotních projektů upouští.
Stabilní a bezpečná síť je základem pro efektivní obranu proti kybernetickým hrozbám. Potřebuje ji každá organizace, bez ohledu na velikost. Jak na bezvýpadkovou, výkonnou a bezpečnou síť?
V novém podcastu magazínu Computerworld se ponoříme do fascinujícího světa umělé inteligence. Hostem je David Filgas, expert na transformaci pracovního prostředí společnosti HP, který odhalí, jak nové technologie ovlivňují způsob, jakým pracujeme.
Havarijné poistenie, nevyhnutnosť alebo len marketingový ťah? Mnohí majitelia áut sa určite zamýšľajú nad výhodnosťou tohto poistenia. Častou je otázka, načo uzatvárať havarijné poistenie, keď každé vozidlo musí mať uzatvorené povinné zmluvné poistenie. Nie sú to potom len vyhodené …
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Loni prodejní žebříčky bořil Wukong, podobné ambice bude mít čínský tým S-Game, který už dříve představil svoji nadcházející novinku Phantom Blade Zero. K oslavám čínského Nového roku vypustili do ...
Už od loňského spuštění předobjednávek víme , že Kingdom Come 2 se po vydání dočká trojice rozšíření skrz expansion pass, který je součástí Gold edice. Warhorse nyní vypustilo do světa roadmapu s ...
Když slovenské studio Games Farm před časem oznámilo novou hru ze severské mytologie, zbystřili jsme. Tvůrci výborných Vikings: Wolves of Midgard znovu míří do zasněženého světa plného monster, krve ...
Switch je jako zařízení i po osmi letech neskutečně populární. Nelze ale přehlédnout několik problémů, které tuto generaci konzole od Nintenda doprovodily. Jedním z těch nejvýraznějších je ...
Před dvěma lety vyšel úplně první Stronghold ve vylepšené podobě ( naše recenze ) a nedopadlo to s ním špatně. FireFly Studios v podobném stylu plánují na scénu strategických her vrátit také ...
Rook Islands měly být jen vaší další zastávkou na cestě kolem světa. Jenže to by tady nesměl být Vaas Montenegro... Podaří se vám dostat z těchto nebezpečných ostrovů zpátky do civilizace, nebo se ...
Novému dílu z adventurní série Posel smrti stále v kampani na Hithitu zbývá do konce 34 dní a vybraná částka neustále roste. Fanoušci se složili na další velký milník. Tím je 1,8 milionu korun, díky ...
Pořádných strategií, navíc vytvářených v našich luzích a hájích, není nikdy dost. Zvláště pokud jsou zasazeny do atraktivních kulis galských válek, kdy váš kmen čelí nejen kmenům ostatním, ale též ...
Jacksmith je akčná hra na hranie rolí, v ktorej hráte za Jacksmitha, kováča osla, a kujete rôzne druhy zbraní, od silných sekier, kladív a lukov až po meče a iné veci pre vašich bojovníkov. Potom sa musíte pripojiť k svojim statočným bojovníkom v bitkách proti nepriateľom. Počas boja musíte zbierať korisť a obsadzovať delá. Čo […]
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Call of Duty už zložku pre jedného hráča úplne vypustila, ale Battlefield si ju minimálne ešte tento rok udrží. Rovnako ako v Battlefieldu 1 bude mať opäť podobu tzv. War Stories, teda nie ucelené dejové linky, ale skôr niekoľko samostatných „poviedok“, ktoré vás zavedú pre rôzne bojiská druhej svetovej vojny. Slovom, ktoré najlepšie vystihuje úplne […]
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O tom, že Red Dead Redemption 2 nebude malou hrou, sa vie už nejakú chvíľu. Nie je to ani mesiac, čo sme vás informovali, že PS4 Pre bundle odhalil veľkosť v podobe 105 GB. Realita je veľmi mierne odlišná, ako odhalil oficiálny web, ale o nič menej „pozitívna“. Pokiaľ si hru zaobstaráte na disku, tak […]
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Brutálna zombie hraDays Gone, ktorá mala vyjsť vo februári budúceho roka (a úplne pôvodne dokonca ešte tento rok), sa opäť odkladá. Údajne je potrebné veci „ešte trochu vyhladiť“, hovorí štúdio Bend. Ale pravdepodobne za tým bude ešte niečo iné. Februárové vydanie by postapokalyptického psychopata v šiltovke postavilo priamo proti hneď niekoľkým veľkým hrám. Žiadna z […]
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Novinka prináša súboje až pre štyroch hráčov on-line alebo na jednom PC. Zatiaľ ako Early Access, ale vyjde tiež na konzole. Prestalo vás Super Smash Bros baviť alebo naopak nemáte na čom túto kultovú sériu hrať? Novinka Brawlout by mohla pomôcť. Vychádza ako Early Access cez Steam. Tvorcovia chcú priniesť ideálnu mlátičku pre hranie s […]
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Snake Pass trochu pripomína hry od Rare na Nintendo 64, z minulosti však čerpá aj vyššiu obtiažnosť a systém záchytných bodov. Kvôli tomu budete mnohé pasáže opakovať do zblbnutia, než sa vám ich podarí zdolať. To však nemožno brať ako nutne zlú vec. Hlavným hrdinom je had Noodle, ktorý sa s parťákom Doodle, čo je […]
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Netradičné akčné RPG odohrávajúce sa v otvorenom a fantastickom svete sandboxových ostrovov, ktoré sú vzájomne spojené starobylými portálmi. Vo svete, v pradávnej minulosti rozdrobenom na tisíce drobných častí, ktoré teraz plávajú oblohou každá vlastným smerom a ústrety vlastnej budúcnosti. Ostrovy sú obývané rozličnými bytosťami a predstavujú skutočne unikátne svety. Vaši hrdinovia sú tu potom od […]
The post Portal Knights – ďalšia kvalitná hra v early access appeared first on GameZona.sk.
Návrat legendárnych Cossacks! Pokračovanie ocenenej strategickej série. Hra sa odohráva v Európe 17. a 18. storočia, realtimová stratégia umožňuje obrovské bitky až s 16 000 jednotkami na bojisku. Toto je remake hry, ktorá bola pôvodne vydaná v roku 2000. Obsahuje všetky prvky úspešnej a význаmnej hry Cossacks a kombinuje ich so súčasnou 3D grafikou. Cossacks […]
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