---===---Čas načtení: 2024-08-12 11:33:13
Hyundai představil speciální edici Tucsonu na oslavu 20. výročí
Značka Hyundai představuje model Tucson 20th Anniversary Edition, s nímž oslaví dvě desetiletí úspěchů oblíbeného SUV na evropském trhu. Speciální výroční edice doplní tradiční silné stránky Tucsonu o ještě osobitější a prémiovější vzhled. Exkluzivní připomínka 20. výročí Čtvrtá generace Hyundai Tucson se ve své nejnovější podobě může chlubit modernizovaným designem, inovativní technikou a rozšířenou výbavou. […]
Čas načtení: 2024-02-29 13:13:48
Test Mazda6 Skyactiv-G194 20th Anniversary (2024)
Některá auta jsou s námi déle než jiná a je to právě případ testované Mazdy6. Její současná generace se prodává už víc než 10 let a v loňském roce navíc oslavila 20leté výročí označení Mazda6. V rámci toho japonská automobilka vytvořila speciální edici 20th Anniversary, která se nám dostala do testu. Barva, výbava a další … Test Mazda6 Skyactiv-G194 20th Anniversary (2024) Pokračovat ve čtení »
Čas načtení: 2024-04-02 18:30:50
The Glenlivet si připomíná 200 let od svého vzniku výroční limitovanou edicí 12leté whisky
Proslulá skotská palírna The Glenlivet letos slaví 200 let od svého vzniku a vydává speciální edici vzdávající hold bohatému dědictví i průkopnické budoucnosti jedné z nejprodávanějších single malt whisky na světě. Jedinečná whisky The Glenlivet, která dala vzniknout charakteristickému ovocně-květinovému stylu oblasti Speyside, pozvedá sklenku a oslavuje dvě století mistrovství výroby této jednosladové skotské whisky.
Čas načtení: 2024-05-16 14:24:42
Nadčasová kolekce Bar oslavuje 90. výročí
Již devět desetiletí patří kolekce Bar mezi bestsellery sklárny Moser, čemuž vděčí svému nadčasovému designu, který zůstává stejně moderní jako v roce svého vzniku v roce 1934. Tato kolekce je mistrovským dílem funkcionalismu, jehož autor, designér Rudolf Eschler, originálně skloubil čtvercovou základnu s kulovitými tvary sklenic, karaf, džbánů a misek. K oslavě tohoto významného jubilea
Čas načtení: 2024-07-11 09:16:10
Chorvatská automobilka Rimac slaví modelem Nevera už 15 let existence
Chorvatská společnost Rimac Automobili, známá svými elektrickými hyperauty, oslavuje 15 let působení na trhu uvedením speciální edice modelu Nevera. Tato limitovaná edice, označená jako Nevera 15th Anniversary Edition, bude vyrobena pouze v devíti kusech, přičemž každý bude stát 2,35 milionu eur . První vůz z této výroční série bude představen na letošním Goodwood Festival of
Čas načtení: 2024-12-03 13:30:48
Sony brnká hráčům na nostalgickou strunu, umožní bootovat PlayStation 5 s původní znělkou
Sony si při příležitosti oslav 30. výročí připravilo pro hráče překvapení Kromě slev na řadu her si po omezenou dobu mohou stáhnout speciální nostalgická témata pro PS5 Úprava herního prostředí je ovšem časově omezená Nostalgie je mocná čarodějka. Někdy stačí jen známá vůně, obraz či zvuk, aby se nám vrátily radostné pocity a vzpomínky na naše mládí a především „staré dobré časy“. Pro ty z nás, kteří mají dětství a dospívání neodmyslitelně spojené s hraním her, je vyvolání nostalgické vlny možná o něco jednodušší. Pakliže jste v strávili nejeden víkend či rovnou celé letní prázdniny přikováni k televizní obrazovce s ovladačem od konzole PlayStation v ruce, Sony ti pro vás přichystalo příjemné překvapení, které jistě oceníte. Přečtěte si celý článek Sony brnká hráčům na nostalgickou strunu, umožní bootovat PlayStation 5 s původní znělkou
Čas načtení: 2024-10-18 14:25:40
Speciální edice přenosného disku WD My Passport Ultra, 20th Emerald Anniversary Edition
Externí disky WD My Passport jsou na trhu už 20 let. U příležitosti významného výročí uvádí Western Digital Corp. na trh externí disk WD My Passport Ultra, 20th Emerald Anniversary Edition. Za dobu existence disků [...] Článek Speciální edice přenosného disku WD My Passport Ultra, 20th Emerald Anniversary Edition se nejdříve objevil na IT Revue.
Čas načtení: 2024-06-02 11:11:00
Jaguar F-Pace 90th Anniversary Edition se představuje. Je to labutí píseň spalovacích Jaguarů
Jaguar oslavuje 90 let průkopnického designu, výkonu a inovací a přibližuje se k plně elektrické budoucnosti s novou výjimečnou edicí jednoho ze svých nejúspěšnějších vozů – luxusního výkonného SUV F-PACE. 90th Anniversary Edition (dostupná pro všechna provedení s výjimkou F-PACE 400 Sport a SVR), která je vůbec posledním provedením modelu F-PACE, nese decentní označení, doplňky […]
Čas načtení: 2024-06-24 09:45:21
Nostalgická cesta do herní historie v Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary Edition
Ubisoft oslaví 20. výročí svého kultovního titulu Beyond Good & Evil vydáním remasterované edice Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary Edition, která hráčům přinese vylepšenou verzi této milované klasiky. Článek Nostalgická cesta do herní historie v Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary Edition se nejdříve objevil na Gaming Professors | Herní magazín, recenze her, hry na pc.
Čas načtení: 2024-11-15 07:00:48
Upíři, kteří definovali žánr. Epic rozdává legendární retro pecku Castlevania
Epic Games zase rozdává hry zdarma Tentokrát je pro zájemce k dispozici Castlevania Anniversary Collection Akce trvá až do 21. listopadu Herní obchod Epic Games Store se za dobu své existence stal úctyhodným konkurentem pro Steam, který dlouho platil za etalon v tomto odvětví. Konkurenční výhodu a především velký počet uživatelů si tato platforma získala svým netradičním lákadlem – každy týden rozdává jeden či více titulů zcela zdarma, přičemž občas se jedná i o poměrně zajímavé hry, které si není radno nechat ujít. Tentokrát svým uživatelům nabídl zajímavou retro záležitost jménem Castlevania. Přečtěte si celý článek Upíři, kteří definovali žánr. Epic rozdává legendární retro pecku Castlevania
Čas načtení: 2014-05-10 17:03:29
Microsoft's E3 2014 plans leaked by a 'blogger'
A new Ryse, Fallout and Halo 5 release date? A blogger has published what he claims is the full breadth of Microsoft's plans for the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in June. To sum up the big leak, let's just say there will be a lot of games! We had the big Sony E3 leak a few days ago, and around the same time we missed the news of a blogger leaking the Microsoft E3 plans, and here it is, and looks like it will be packed with ton of games for the Xbox One: On the DL. This info comes from the highest source and contains near full details of Microsoft E3 2014 conference. I have had corroborations from a number of sources to its legitimacy: -- Ryse 2 is in development and will be announced at the show in a real-time in-game trailer. Gone is the Roman period, enter the medieval setting. The game will offer more freedom of exploration and a refined combat system. The main character is a sell-sword of sorts with a greater destiny. This game looks beyond belief. No release date (possibly late 2016) -- Forza Horizon 2 will be announced for release in October 2014 vai Playground Games. It will once again be open world and set in Louisiana, Missisips, New Mexico, Texas and Arkansas. Full day/night cycle, real time weather. Estimated 80 hour single player. -- 343 Industries will unveil Halo 2: Anniversary. This is a full (multiplayer included) visual makeover of Halo 2, it will also include the same options as Halo Anniversary (Including both visual modes) skulls etc. It will include the E3 2003 mission as a bonus unlockable and the maps from the PC version. -- No Turn 10 this year except in supportive capacity of Playground. -- Halo 5 will get its release date. -- Rare is prepping a re-boot of Battletoads and Perfect Dark. BT will initially be a download only title (see Killer Instinct) and is set to run at 60fps. Perfect Dark is looking to be rebooted into a Third Person Adventure game - Similar to Uncharted. -- Epic will be there to unveil their new game base on the Samaritan demo from 2012. This will be XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE as Microsoft is the publisher. Possibly the best looking game of this generation. -- Good Science Studios will unveil their Kinect Only game "EchoBlack" - The game is controlled via the use of Kinect and the player plots through an adventure game drawn as by echolocation. The vibrancy of the world depicted alters depending on the pitch, loudness and location of the players voice. No release date. -- Twisted Pixel will reveal their next digital game which is set in a sci-fantasy planet of Dekelsus. Possibly a 2.5D platformer. -- Black Tusk will have a CGI trailer for Gears of War : Lazurus which will show the direction the series is heading. -- Lift London will be showing 2 projects. They are small and digital based. No other details unfortunately. -- Lionhead will have a brief gameplay of Fable Legends and bow out with a teaser of their next project which is set in a post-cataclysmic Earth decimated by egg shaped objects (possibly aliens) -- Frontier Development is working on a family friendly Kinect title for release in 2014 -- Phantom Dust : Sacrifice is being worked on by Grounding Inc and will be a prequel to the original. The game will be episodic in nature. -- Quantum Break will be out November 2014 - There is a multiplayer mode - Part 1 of a trilogy. The game has had a significant graphical upgrade since last year. -- Sunset Overdrive is aiming for release on the last weeks of August/Early September. Graphically it looks like the CG trailer and the Parkour element of the game is a mix of Sonic, Jet Set Radio and Ratchet and Clank. -- The secret Japanese game is coming from Platinum Games and is a Viewtiful Joe like action- beat em up. Codename is "RugPuddle". This is part one of a multiple game deal with Microsoft to publish other titles in the future. -- Leap Experience Pioneers will announce their game which looks like a TPS/RPG hybrid set in a Sci-fi universe. Looks very Mass Effect inspired. COMING 2015 -- Platform Next Games is a new studio. They will be presenting an unnamed tech demo based on an upcoming project (similar to Black Tusks demo last year) which appears to be set in either an ancient or fantasy setting. -- Games With Gold will be announced for Xbox One starting immediately. The aim is that it will be 1 retail game a month, 1 digital game per month of a choice of 2. This will evolve as time goes on. -- Microsoft will announce the date when retail units can be activated as development kits, it will be before October 2014. -- Crackdown: Skyline - Coming 2015 - No other info, not even the developer. Microsoft Studios. Multi-platforms are as follows: -- The Division (Xbox One is now lead platform) -- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare -- Fallout 4 -- EA game (not specified here) Exclusive/Timed DLC on all. That's all. So what do you think, will this 'leak' become true, and if so is this list of games enough to make you jump into Xbox One gaming? News-Source: Microsoft's E3 2014 plans leaked by a 'blogger' (via) XboxOneCrunch (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/282924-Microsoft-s-E3-2014-plans-leaked-by-a-blogger )
Čas načtení: 2024-06-06 12:15:12
D-Day anniversary 2024: World leaders, veterans, commemorate Normandy landings - Reuters
D-Day anniversary 2024: World leaders, veterans, commemorate Normandy landings ReutersLive updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend CNND-Day at 80 The New York Times‘Back in time’: House lawmakers parachuting from WWII-era plane in Normandy to mark D-Day Fox News
Čas načtení: 2024-06-06 15:45:00
Dwindling number of D-Day veterans mark anniversary with plea to recall WWII lessons in today's wars The Associated PressVideo shows powerful salute and cannons at 80th D-Day anniversary CNND-Day at 80 The New York Times
Čas načtení: 2024-06-07 21:52:39
D-Day landing in Normandy captured in grandmother's diary - USA TODAY
D-Day landing in Normandy captured in grandmother's diary USA TODAYWorld War II veteran Robert Persichitti dies at 102 while traveling to France for D-Day’s 80th anniversary CNNColorado Congressman Jason Crow leads jump over Normandy from C-47 that led invasion fleet on D-Day CBS ColardoDwindling number of D-Day veterans plea to recall WWII lessons on anniversary The Associated Press
Čas načtení: 2024-06-24 16:28:19
Elections 2024 live updates: Biden, Democrats highlight anniversary of abortion decision The Washington PostDemocrats Lean on Abortion Rights Message for Anniversary of End of Roe The New York TimesDNC commits funding to target abortion restrictions in Republican states CBS News
Čas načtení: 2024-07-10 22:12:21
Biden faces major test on global stage as NATO summit gets underway - The Washington Post
Biden faces major test on global stage as NATO summit gets underway The Washington PostNATO Summit live updates: The latest on the alliance’s 75th anniversary meeting CNNBiden speaks at NATO's 75th anniversary summit CBS NewsNATO summit in DC is 'pivotal' make-or-break moment for Biden as scrutiny over fitness for office intensifies Fox News
Čas načtení: 2024-07-31 18:20:16
Q.U.B.E. 10th Anniversary – legendární hlavolam
Pokud se nějaký titul stane úspěšný, není výjimkou že dostane své pokračování nebo rozšířenou verzi. Pokud se však titul stane ve své herní kategorii natolik populární, že i po několika letech stále vyniká, je jasné, že se to neobejde bez odezvy. Článek Q.U.B.E. 10th Anniversary – legendární hlavolam se nejdříve objevil na Gaming Professors | Herní magazín, recenze her, hry na pc.
Čas načtení: 2014-05-13 23:03:40
Xbox One: Delivering More Choices for Fans
No more Kinect, Only $399 Now, and No more paywall for 'streaming' apps like NetFlix Just weeks before E3, Microsoft has done another huge 180 on their Xbox One Marketing plans, by dumping Kinect finally, and removing Xbox Live Gold from its apps, and dropping the price to $399 & more Lots of people are wondering why Microsoft didn't wait until E3 for their big Press Conference to announce the huge changes to Xbox One , so they could hype up the 'listen to consumers' on stage and rape in all the free mainstream press coverage, but instead they decided to silently leak out the huge changes via MajorNelson and other blogs, and they are big ones. -- No More Kinect. -- Xbox One to be only $399 Now. -- And no more paywall for Netflix, Twitch and other key apps, all FREE now. Besides the above there is bunch of other changes listed below, and it seems M$ wants to remove that growing gap between their rival PS4, and even tho E3 is 5 weeks away, they can't afford to wait and allow that gap to get any bigger, and now going all-in to win this next-gen console war, with E3 being solely focused on their huge exclusive line-up of new games due to be release thru-out 2014/15. Here is what Major Nelson said about the sudden changes to Xbox One: First, beginning on June 9th, in all markets where Xbox One is sold, we will offer Xbox One starting at $399*. This is a new console option that does not include Kinect. For $399, our new Xbox One offering will continue to deliver access to the best blockbuster games like "Titanfall," "Call of Duty: Ghosts," "Forza Motorsport 5," "Dead Rising 3," and the upcoming "Watch Dogs," "Destiny" and "Sunset Overdrive." You will also be able to access popular entertainment apps, such as Twitch, YouTube, and Netflix, as well as watch live TV and use OneGuide. Finally, you will continue to be able to use many of the unique features of Xbox One including the ability to get game invites while you watch TV, switch between games and entertainment apps, enjoy Twitch broadcasts, and upload your favorite gaming moments. Next, we're bringing more value to our Xbox Live Gold members while extending the entertainment experiences available through Xbox to every connected console. So, also starting in June, we will roll out a new set of benefits for our Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One and we will offer anyone who owns an Xbox 360 or Xbox One access to popular games and entertainment apps without an Xbox Live Gold membership. Here is what you can expect from the new generation of Xbox Live: -- Free games with Games with Gold**. Since Games with Gold launched on Xbox 360 a year ago, over 12 million people have enjoyed great free games, resulting in nearly 200 million hours of free fun playing Games with Gold titles. We've been learning from your feedback and have focused on making improvements each month to the selection of titles. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Games with Gold for Xbox 360 and as a thank you for helping shape this program, members will receive an additional free Xbox 360 game in June. The Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 in June are "Dark Souls," "Charlie Murder" and a bonus game of "Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition." We're pleased to bring Games with Gold to Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One in June. Members will have subscription-based access to free games ranging from top hits to breaking indie stars. The program will launch on Xbox One with "Max: The Curse of Brotherhood" and "Halo: Spartan Assault." A single Gold membership will get you access to the free games for both Xbox One and Xbox 360. -- Exclusive Discounts. Deals with Gold will also launch for Xbox One in June, delivering discounts for great games each month, with significant savings for Xbox Live Gold members. The first titles offered in June will include "Forza Motorsport 5," "Ryse: Son of Rome," and a few other surprises. This program will continue to be available for Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox 360. And new on Xbox One, we will launch a virtual VIP room exclusive to Xbox Live Gold members where we will feature free games, monthly deals, and other great benefits. -- Popular entertainment apps will be available for all Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners. Xbox 360 has been a leader in delivering entertainment experiences for years, with over 170 global entertainment apps and experiences available today. We're constantly adding new partners and experiences to the growing catalog on Xbox One. Coming in June, anyone with an Xbox will be able to access popular entertainment experiences - whether or not you have an Xbox Live Gold membership. This includes great gaming apps like Machinima, Twitch and Upload, popular video services like Netflix, Univision Deportes, GoPro, Redbull and HBO Go, sports experiences like the NFL app for Xbox One, MLB.tv, NBA Game Time, NHL Game Center and more.*** Microsoft experiences including Internet Explorer, Skype, OneDrive and OneGuide will also be available to all Xbox customers.**** You can find a full list of apps and features that will be available below and here. We've heard that you want more choices from Xbox One. You want a wide variety of options in your games and entertainment experiences and you also want options in your hardware selection. To be clear, as we introduce this new Xbox One console option, Kinect remains an important part of our vision. Many of you are using Kinect for Xbox One every day. In fact, more than 80 percent of you are actively using Kinect, with an average of 120 voice commands per month on each console. Some of the most popular voice commands include "Xbox On," "Xbox Broadcast" and "Xbox Record That." We will continue to offer a premium Xbox One with Kinect bundle to deliver voice and gesture controls, biometric sign-in, instant personalization, instant scanning of QR codes, and enhanced features only available with Kinect in games such as "Kinect Sports Rivals," "Just Dance 2014," "Project Spark" and more. Major Nelson ends his blog post, with the fact that Kinect will be available soon by itself for those that wish to jump into the Kinect experience this Fall after seeing the awesome power of Xbox One console by itself, without the game enhancing power of Kinect. So what do you think about the sudden changes, and doing it a month before E3, will it make Xbox the winner over PlayStation? News-Source: Xbox One: Delivering More Choices for Fans (via) MaxConsole (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/283006-Xbox-One-Delivering-More-Choices-for-Fans )
Čas načtení: 2015-05-15 00:00:00
Concepts x ASICS / Tenisky Gel Lyte III 25th Anniversary
Na co sáhne label Concepts, to rozhodně stojí za to. To platí i co se týká následující kolaborace s firmou Asics, jejímž výsledkem jsou stylové sneakers. Představujeme vám tenisky Asics Gel Lyte III s pojmenováním 25th Anniversary, na kterém se právě podílel label Concepts. Jak už název napovídá, ...
Čas načtení: 2014-11-30 00:00:00
Bodega x Reebok Pump 25th Anniversary / Zpět do roku 1989
Co takhle návraty do devadesátek? Musíme uznat, že většina colorways v poslední době odkazující na tuto dobu bychom zařadili mezi povedené, ovšem u následujícího kousku to platí dvojnásob. Představujeme vám tenisky z edice Reebok Pump 25th Anniversary s pojmenováním 1989, které se vracejí designem ...