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Kurzy ze dne: 22.01.2025 || EUR 25,145 || JPY 15,448 || USD 24,075 ||
čtvrtek 23.ledna 2025, Týden: 4, Den roce: 023,  dnes má svátek Zdeněk, zítra má svátek Milena
23.ledna 2025, Týden: 4, Den roce: 023,  dnes má svátek Zdeněk
DetailCacheKey:d-741268 slovo: 741268
Better Man

Životopisné snímky o hudobníkoch majú aktuálne v kinách žatvu. Vlani sa mihol Bob Marley i Amy Winehouse. Pred mesiacom sme sa mohli pozrieť na Aznavoura a v rovnaký deň do ...


Čas načtení: 2024-12-20 13:00:00

Uvedení premiéry filmu Better Man podporuje kampaň

Snímek Better Man vstupuje do českých kin ve čtvrtek 26. prosince 2024. Uvedení promuje kampaň od agentury Fuse.


Čas načtení: 2014-04-15 19:36:31

Trio charged with hacking, stealing from Microsoft

FBI raids three homes recently, arresting those trading in Xbox One Secrets We reported before on SuperDAE story and his Xbox One devkit raids, but now the fallout from that has moved from Australia to state-side, with FBI rounding up three hackers, one of them from Canada You might remember the SuperDAE stories from over a year ago, with him listing early Xbox One dev-kits up for sale on eBay, and then later him getting arrested, and threatening to release info which never happen, but now the FBI have rounded up some more 'hackers' that were trading in Xbox One devkits, and passing info among themselves. One of people arrested in New Jersey is better known on many 'scene' forum sites like XboxHacker as 'SonicISO' and was originally the Admin behind the very popular E3-Forums for E3 Flasher and their ODE device before it was suddenly shutdown earlier this year. A New Jersey man, a Wisconsin teen and a man from Canada are facing more than a dozen charges for allegedly breaking into computer systems and stealing sensitive information belonging to the U.S. Army and other companies, including Microsoft. Obtained and partially published Thursday by The Smoking Gun, the indictment - still sealed, but filed in U.S. District Court in Delaware - charges Sanadodeh Nesheiwat, 28, from New Jersey; Nathan Leroux, 19, from Wisconsin, and Canadian resident David Pokora. The men are alleged, beginning in 2011, to have begun a roughly two-year cyber crusade against video game companies, during which time they identified and exploited vulnerabilities in computer systems belonging to Microsoft, Valve Corporation, Activision Blizzard, Zombie Studios, and Epic Games, according to a report. The Microsoft breach enabled the alleged attackers to steal information on the then unreleased Xbox One, according to published pages of the indictment, which explain that the perpetrators were able to use that data to build counterfeit versions of the console, including one that was sold on eBay for $5,000. Intrusions into the computer systems of companies such as Epic Games and Activision Blizzard allowed the attackers to steal early copies of "Gears of War 3" and "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3," two blockbuster titles that had yet to be released at the time, according to the report. Also, Apache helicopter pilot simulation software designed for the U.S. Army was stolen from Zombie Studios, a company commissioned by the American military organization to develop the chopper training program, the report added. The men are facing 15 felony charges, including multiple counts of wire fraud, three counts of unauthorized computer access, two counts of copyright infringement, and one count each of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit theft of trade secrets, conspiracy to commit mail fraud, attempted mail fraud, conspiracy to commit identity theft, and aggravated identity theft. The indictment was returned by a grand jury in July and Nesheiwat and Leroux were arrested at their respective homes last week, according to the report, which adds that the status of Pokora was undetermined at the time. News-Source: Trio charged with hacking, stealing from Microsoft (via) XboxOneCrunch


Čas načtení: 2016-02-29 22:04:01

MAMEoXtras v1.20

The popular port of MAME on the original Xbox has been recently updated Gamezfan continues to fine-tune his port of the MAMEmulator on the orgiinal classic, now retro Xbox console, adding in support more games, and many small improvements to make everything run smoother. The original Xbox has alot to offer still, it well supported, stable, and affordable to purchase if you don't have one yet, and easy to mod, and besides playing the games that it originally came with, once you have it customized, you will find it makes a great emulation box also, and one of the better emulators out there for it is the MAME port by Gamezfan and he recently updated and added more tweaks. MAMEoXtras is a port of the popular MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator) system for the XBOX. -- Includes source code. -- Featuring new updated driver work and brand spanking new skins. Contains coding by: -- Erik Abair, opcode, luckyMIC, superfro, XPort, bendermike, Ebsy, HK$, IQ_132, gamezfan, destronger, cbagy, And BritneysPAIRS. Changes for v1.20: -- New Games Added -- Snowboard Championship (Now Playable) -- Gain Ground (Now Playable) -- Crackdown (Now Playable) -- Rough Racer (Now Playable) -- Super Masters Golf (Now Playable) -- Sonic Boom (Now Playable) -- World Cup Volley English Version (Now Playable) -- Professor Pac-Man (Now Playable) -- Scramble Spirits Japan Version (Now Playable) -- Fixes And Improvements -- Major Sound Gfx and Game improvements for Gorf -- Major Sound Gfx and Game improvements for Wizard Of Wor -- Improved MCU simulation for Renegade -- Sound and Protection fixes for Chequered Flag -- Control improvements in Chequered Flag -- Fixed Dipswitch in ThunderHoop game defaults to 3 lives now -- Fixed Slowdown issues in US Championship V'Ball -- Sorted some Gfx clipping issues in The Legend Of Kage -- Improved Scramble Spirits Japan Version getting rid of most of the Slowdowns BTW The Sega System 24 games especially Gain Ground take a short while to boot. For more info, downloads, and to show your support, please visit the news links below! News-Source: MAMEoXtras v1.20 Released (via) MaxConsole (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/293492-MAMEoXtras-v1-20-New-version-released-for-Xbox )


Čas načtení: 2024-11-11 11:15:00

Robbie Williams se vrací do Prahy. Před Vánoci vstoupí do kin film, na Netflixu je dokument

Kolem Robbieho Williamse se toho teď hodně děje. V květnu vyšel čtyřdílný dokument na Netflixu. Do kin taky o vánočních svátcích míří film o něm Better Man. A další dobrou zprávou je, že v neděli 7. září 2025 zavítá i do Česka.


Čas načtení: 2024-11-19 14:01:00

Robbie Williams jako šimpanz a hlavní padouch životopisného filmu Better Man

Příští rok v září vystoupí před pražským publikem. Ještě letos 26. prosince však bude mít premiéru biografický snímek Better Man, který popovou hvězdu Robbieho Williamse ukazuje v dobrém i nelichotivém světle. Mladší verzi zpěváka ztvárnil Jonno Davies, který je na plátně přetvořen počítačovou animací do šimpanzí podoby.


Čas načtení: 2024-12-04 09:12:50

Robbie Williams: V 21 letech jsem byl alkoholik, narkoman a měl jsem dluh 300 000 liber

Robbie Williams, světoznámý zpěvák a bývalý člen skupiny Take That, byl hostem španělské televizní show El Hormiguero, kde představil svůj nový životopisný film „Better Man“. Snímek, který má premiéru 1. ledna, je v mnoha ohledech výjimečný. Největší překvapení spočívá v tom, že hlavní roli neztvárnil herec, ale opice, což dodává filmu zcela unikátní nádech. Život […]


Čas načtení: 2024-12-16 02:17:55

Robbie Williams on why he's played by a monkey in new film

Better Man tells the story of Robbie Williams' life, with him portrayed by a CGI monkey.


Čas načtení: 2024-12-26 11:07:00

Filmové premiéry: Better Man, Ježek Sonic 3, Saint-Exupéry, V dobrém i zlém a Superskřítkové

Dárky jsou rozbalené, rodinné návštěvy v plném proudu a někteří diváci si rádi chodí odpočinout od shonu do kin. I proto do těch českých posílají tento čtvrtek tvůrci pořádnou dávku titulů. Patří k nim americké životopisné drama Better Man, v němž září Robbie Williams, pohádka Ježek Sonic 3, velký francouzský příběh o vzniku Malého prince Saint-Exupéry nebo česká komedie V dobrém i zlém.


Čas načtení: 2024-12-27 16:48:11

Robbie Williams se za opičáka neschoval. Ve filmu Better Man se obnažuje

Zpěvák Robbie Williams se na stříbrném plátně nechal nahradit animovaným šimpanzem. V životopisném filmu Better Man režiséra Michala Graceyho přesto odhazuje masku vtipného buřiče a pitvá se v traumatech, pochybách i závislostech.


Čas načtení: 2024-12-27 19:58:41

Nový film o Robbiem Williamsovi přibližuje zpěvákův život svérázně

Životopisný film Better Man přibližuje vzestupy i pády zpěváka Robbieho Williamse svéráznou formou. V kinech se začal promítat od čtvtka. „Williams je v celém filmu znázorněn jako opičák. Je to proto, že popisuje sám sebe, jak se cítil během svojí kariéry – jako cvičená opice,“ vysvětluje Marta Žurková z Vertical Entertainment. Sám Williams řekl, že se umělci obávají, že si kvůli životopisnému filmu zničí reputaci. „Já to tak nemám,“ tvrdí. V minulosti otevřeně mluvil třeba o svém milostném životě i závislostech na alkoholu nebo drogách.


Čas načtení: 2024-04-19 09:10:52

Pro lepší život: Baklofenová pumpa oslavila 20 let v Česku

Spasticita je stav zvýšeného napětí ve svalech, které vede k bolestem a křečím. Je jedním z projevů závažných onemocnění, jako jsou roztroušená skleróza, cévní mozková příhoda, nebo stavy po úrazech mozku a míchy. Základním lékem, který svalovou ztuhlost zmírňuje, je baklofen.   Podává se buď ve formě tablet, kde je jeho účinnost nižší, nebo v roztoku přímo

Čas načtení: 2024-04-14 10:10:00

Better má nové klienty Lomax, Newton University či Meddi

Lomax, Newton University, Rezidence 3 Dvory a Meddi nově patří do klientského portfolia agentury Better. 

Čas načtení: 2024-12-20 13:00:00

Uvedení premiéry filmu Better Man podporuje kampaň

Snímek Better Man vstupuje do českých kin ve čtvrtek 26. prosince 2024. Uvedení promuje kampaň od agentury Fuse.

Čas načtení: 2017-01-03 00:00:00

Lindex a jejich Even Better Denim

Letos v říjnu uvedla společnost Lindex na trh nové styly Even Better Denim, jež obsahují spotřebitelem recyklovanou bavlnu. Jedná se o jeden z dalších velkých kroků této oblíbené značky, které vedou stále více k udržitelnému džínovému oblečení. ,,Even Better Denim“ a jeho styly naleznete jednak u dá ...

Čas načtení: 2024-03-20 22:33:45

OpenAI To Release 'Materially Better' GPT-5 For Its Chatbot Mid-Year, Report Says - Slashdot

OpenAI To Release 'Materially Better' GPT-5 For Its Chatbot Mid-Year, Report Says  SlashdotOpenAI Expected to Launch 'Better' GPT-5 for Chatbot Mid-Year  Business InsiderOpenAI's GPT-5 may launch this summer, upgrading ChatGPT along the way  Ars TechnicaSam Altman Says ChatGPT-4 'Kinda Sucks.' It's a Reminder of Why Entrepreneurs Innovate  Inc.Sam Altman hints at the future of AI and GPT-5 - and big things are coming  TechRadar

Čas načtení: 2024-04-09 18:00:35

7 skvělých aplikací pro iPhone a Mac, které jsou dnes zdarma (9. 4. 2024)

iOS aplikace zdarma Better Together – Weight Loss Platforma BetterTogether vám umožní začít s přáteli a rodinou soutěžit v hubnutí. Díky aplikaci je účast ve výzvách a soutěžích zábavná. Můžete si vytvořit vlastní skupinové výzvy a nastavit cenu spolu s podrobnostmi o výzvě. Je to zábavný způsob, jak společně zhubnout. Původní cena: 99,9 $ Aplikaci Better Together – Weight Loss stáhnete zde.

Čas načtení: 2024-04-25 22:23:41

Fallout 4 PS Plus Owners Currently Cannot Get the Next-Gen Update for Free [UPDATE] - IGN

Fallout 4 PS Plus Owners Currently Cannot Get the Next-Gen Update for Free [UPDATE]  IGNWith the Release of Fallout 4's Next-Gen Update, It's Time To Give Fallout 4 Another Chance  IGNVideo: Does Fallout 4 Look Better on PS5?  Push SquareFallout London's project lead is not taking the surprise drop of Fallout 4's update well: 'That has, for a lack of a better term, screwed us over'  PC GamerThe Fallout 4 Upgrade Isn't Free For Owners On PS Plus And They're Furious  Kotaku

Čas načtení: 2024-09-12 20:03:55

Tomáš Čupr, Better Stack, E2B i Testuj.to. Podívejte se, kdo ovládl Startup Awards od CzechCrunche

Ve třech kategoriích rozhodovaly hlasy poroty složené z padesátky předních osobností startupové scény, dalšího vítěze vybírali čtenáři. Článek Tomáš Čupr, Better Stack, E2B i Testuj.to. Podívejte se, kdo ovládl Startup Awards od CzechCrunche se nejdříve objevil na CzechCrunch.

Čas načtení: 2024-09-13 06:34:19

Better Stack a spol. Představujeme 10 největších startupových nadějí z Česka na miliardové jednorožce

O unikátním výběru 10 Hot Startups, který je součástí Startup Awards od CzechCrunche, rozhodovala největší porota české startupové historie. Článek Better Stack a spol. Představujeme 10 největších startupových nadějí z Česka na miliardové jednorožce se nejdříve objevil na CzechCrunch.

Čas načtení: 2024-10-04 15:00:01

Misogyny and bullying found in Submarine Service

Admiral Sir Ben Key said: "We must be better than this and do better than we have."

Čas načtení: 2024-11-20 23:21:28

Smith's game IQ increasing all the time - Strawbridge

Fly-half Marcus Smith is getting "better and better" at having a deeper understanding of Test rugby, says England assistant coach Andrew Strawbridge.

Čas načtení: 2025-01-15 08:00:00

Innogy na digitální kampaně volí agenturu Better

Za kreativního partnera pro digitální komunikaci si Innogy vybrala agenturu Better. 

Čas načtení: 2016-02-29 22:04:01

MAMEoXtras v1.20

The popular port of MAME on the original Xbox has been recently updated Gamezfan continues to fine-tune his port of the MAMEmulator on the orgiinal classic, now retro Xbox console, adding in support more games, and many small improvements to make everything run smoother. The original Xbox has alot to offer still, it well supported, stable, and affordable to purchase if you don't have one yet, and easy to mod, and besides playing the games that it originally came with, once you have it customized, you will find it makes a great emulation box also, and one of the better emulators out there for it is the MAME port by Gamezfan and he recently updated and added more tweaks. MAMEoXtras is a port of the popular MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator) system for the XBOX. -- Includes source code. -- Featuring new updated driver work and brand spanking new skins. Contains coding by: -- Erik Abair, opcode, luckyMIC, superfro, XPort, bendermike, Ebsy, HK$, IQ_132, gamezfan, destronger, cbagy, And BritneysPAIRS. Changes for v1.20: -- New Games Added -- Snowboard Championship (Now Playable) -- Gain Ground (Now Playable) -- Crackdown (Now Playable) -- Rough Racer (Now Playable) -- Super Masters Golf (Now Playable) -- Sonic Boom (Now Playable) -- World Cup Volley English Version (Now Playable) -- Professor Pac-Man (Now Playable) -- Scramble Spirits Japan Version (Now Playable) -- Fixes And Improvements -- Major Sound Gfx and Game improvements for Gorf -- Major Sound Gfx and Game improvements for Wizard Of Wor -- Improved MCU simulation for Renegade -- Sound and Protection fixes for Chequered Flag -- Control improvements in Chequered Flag -- Fixed Dipswitch in ThunderHoop game defaults to 3 lives now -- Fixed Slowdown issues in US Championship V'Ball -- Sorted some Gfx clipping issues in The Legend Of Kage -- Improved Scramble Spirits Japan Version getting rid of most of the Slowdowns BTW The Sega System 24 games especially Gain Ground take a short while to boot. For more info, downloads, and to show your support, please visit the news links below! News-Source: MAMEoXtras v1.20 Released (via) MaxConsole (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/293492-MAMEoXtras-v1-20-New-version-released-for-Xbox )

Čas načtení: 2016-02-28 21:11:23

XBMC 4 Xbox - Version 3.5.3 is Released

Nothing better out there to use then XBMC on your original retro modded Xbox console! It has been now 5,218 days since the original Xbox was released by Microsoft, but still there is tons of people out there using them in their living rooms as their Media Center for Movies/TV and more! We might be using Xbox One's now, but before there was this thing called XB1 in our living room taking space, there was amazing new device released 5,218 days ago, that ended up being the de-facto standard for streaming media from our PC's and direct from the 'net, when XBMC was born. So many things have changed in the 'scene world' since those amazing first Xbox days, so its good to see a team out there still working on the original core of XBMC and adding in little features and improvements for all those people still madly in love with the green box. XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3 has been released. A smaller update again, but includes some weather and scraper fixes, and some library updates. Changes since 3.5.1 include: -- Improved compatibility with some Kodi addons. -- Fixes for the TMDB scraper. -- Fix for weather location search and data. -- Python updated to 2.7.11 (including updated SQLite3/OpenSSL). -- Fix for a problem with stuttering video. -- FFMpeg libraries updated to 1.2.12 (the last of the 1.2 series). Thanks Thanks to Dom and tim619 for contributing patches. For more great info on this release, latest downloads, and support please visit the official links below, and remember above all else, please show them some thanks for their on-going efforts, by dropping a line here thanking them, on their forums, and if possible a small donation, as the original Xbox and our love for XBMC will be around for many years still to come, so lets support them fully! Official Site: XBMC4Xbox (http://www.xbmc4xbox.org.uk/2016/02/xbmc4xbox-3-5-3-is-out/ ) News-Source: XBMC4Xbox is out (http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/293482-XBMC-4-Xbox-Version-3-5-3-is-Released )

Čas načtení: 2015-12-12 17:28:54

ModChipCentral December #MerryXmas2015 Specials

All the UnderGround Modding Gear you will ever need for All your Video Gaming Consoles wants! From now until the end of December 23th, ModChipCentral wants you to get into Merry Video Gaming Christmas Mode, by offering all our loyal readers 5% OFF everything on their website to get you modded! Happy Holidays and Christmas is just around the corner, and 'tis the season when we go mad with shopping and buying new electronics, and what can you to do with all those cool Xbox or PlayStation consoles, or Nintendo handhelds, or even some Retro Gaming Gear like Gamecube's or Wii's or even maybe a refurb'ed SNES, after you unwrap them, well you can modify them using amazing devices from top brands like Sky3DS, Gateway 3DS, Cobra ODE, Team-Xecuter's CR4XL and much more like Xeno GC modchips and SuperUFO's SNES, and what better company then ModChipCentral to supply all your Video Gaming Needs as right now during their Happy Holidays Events, besides their already low-discounted-prices, they are offering our loyal forum readers another 5% OFF everything on their site, just by placing your order and entering the coupon code of 'MerryXmas2015' when you are ready to checkout, you will get the best price ever, but hurry up and place your order soon, as the special promo deal ends after the 23th. [QUOTE]MerryXmas2015 Specials: FEDEX 2 BUSINESS DAY SHIPPING ONLY $14.00!!! (USA ONLY! INCLUDES TRACKING AND INSURANCE) Xbox: CRONUS MAX TX USB PRO V2 TX CR4 XL PlayStation: PS2 FREE MCBOOT PS2 MODBO 745 E3 Flasher PS3 DMC MODULE 3DS Flashcarts: R4I 3DS Card R4I SAVE DONGLE SUPERCARD DSTWO PLUS SKY3DS PLUS w/ ORANGE BUTTONS Retro: GC XENO Modchip WII TO HDMI CONVERTER SNES SUPERUFO PRO 8 SUPERDRIVE Service: X360 JTAG/RGH FOR PHAT & SLIM $120.00 (USA ONLY!) [/QUOTE] The above list, is just a small faction of all the amazing UnderGround Scene items you can find on ModChipCentral's webshop, so why not vist the link below and browse thru it, even if you not in the mood at the moment, something I am sure will catch your eye, that you just have to order today before the holidays are here, and remember to use the coupon code 'MerryXmas2015' to get 5% OFF. Official Site: ModChipCentral (http://www.modchipcentral.com )

Čas načtení: 2014-11-27 16:56:54

RGH2 (phat) firmware for X360ACE released

Nice update for RGH'ing the Phat Xbox360's consoles by 15432 15432 over at hackfaq.net has released custom firmwares in XSVF format for X360ACE v1/v2 to support RGH2 in fat Xbox 360 consoles. The firmware files can be flashed via JTAG interface. ModRobert over at EurAsia is reporting that 15432 has released a nice update for the X360ACE glitch'ing chips that are very affordable let via stable, so now with this custom firmware you be able to easy RGH your Phat Xbox 360 console. Here is the translated tutorial from HackFAQ posted by 15432 in Russian: For about a month I have been working on the launch of the chip RGH2 x360ace. Finally, everything is ready for release! For fun, try to arrange an article in the form of FAQ Q: Why now? RGH2 on veils was for a long time! A: Cheap and powerful chips x360ace appeared relatively recently. Besides, I was impressed this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNv4OWGyqP0 ) Indicating that stable RGH2 on fatkah possible. Q: The video and so x360ace, why do something different? A: Unfortunately, the author has not posted any code or xsvf files. I had to do everything myself Q: How quickly start? A: In my console - in the region of 4 cycles. But I did not even try to optimize starts by moving the wires and other magic. I'm sure you can do better. Q: Faster than CR4? A: No, not faster. Using ECC CR4 images can be reduced to the time of one cycle, but stability at start up CR4. Q: What console are supported? A: Judging by the reviews on Falcon and Jasper works. When will I Zephyr and Xenon - and for them to do Q: Where can I download ?? A: Set the firmware available here (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16255396/hackfaq_soft/x360rgh2_release.rar ) Source code posted on GitHub (https://github.com/15432/X360ACE_RGH2 ) Q: The most important question. How to install? A: For starters, you need to find x360ace v1 or v2: You can buy them on the ebay or aliexpress. With a price of $ 2 - $ 10 apiece, a fake bump difficult because almost nobody forges. Then find what they ask. XSVF files are supported by programmers as Super NAND Flasher, NAND-X and JR-Programmer If zamorochitsya separately, can be written through Squirt 360 flasher and even after MTX SPI Flasher. But still recommend something from above. Contact us to write firmware are on the opposite side of the chip: Next you need to solder them to the console. Points marked similarly TX Coolrunner, problems should arise. Use your favorite laying wires, then I will tell you how to find the appropriate firmware file. The only thing that requires change is the chip power. Need to unsolder and solder the diode at that point postings with 1.8V: 1.8V to take from here: So. Now the most interesting - how to choose the firmware. important note. if the chip is already soldered to the console before the firmware you want to paste the power to Xbox! Firmware files are named according to the principle l x _s y, where x - pulse length, y - the start point. Diode chip flashes to the beat of the bus post_out, it will help to choose the right firmware without logic analyzer. Most importantly - find the pulse length is the main problem RGH2. It's simple, but the sign for more info: -- write l6_s5.xsvf, look at the behavior of the LED. -- most likely for one cycle you will see a lot of small pulses and one of Authenticity ("long" cycle). This means that the pulse length is too small. -- take the firmware with more length, for example l7_s5.xsvf, again, look at the diode. -- continue to increase the length, until there are only cycles of short pulses blinking ("short" cycle). -- Finally, you need to choose a length, when there are "short" and "long" cycles interspersed. -- If not, then select the minimum length of a short cycle. Once decided on the length, select the time of discharge, it is easier - to sort out all 4 options. In general, I have triggered flash l7_s6 and l7_s7. Startups are not perfect, sometimes up to 15 cycles comes, but I'm not trying to change the styling. Who are interested, here's a video, shot in the dark 7 on the video starts, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 2, 2, 11 We'll see both long and short flashes when trying to start, but nothing more to be seen)  For more info please see the original source (http://www.hackfaq.net/xbox360/x360ace/ (http://www.hackfaq.net/xbox360/x360ace/ )) and for the needed files, check out the news links below. -- Enjoy! News-Source: RGH2 (phat) firmware for X360ACE released (via) EurAsia (http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3362&mode=&order=0&thold=0 )

Čas načtení: 2014-04-15 19:36:31

Trio charged with hacking, stealing from Microsoft

FBI raids three homes recently, arresting those trading in Xbox One Secrets We reported before on SuperDAE story and his Xbox One devkit raids, but now the fallout from that has moved from Australia to state-side, with FBI rounding up three hackers, one of them from Canada You might remember the SuperDAE stories from over a year ago, with him listing early Xbox One dev-kits up for sale on eBay, and then later him getting arrested, and threatening to release info which never happen, but now the FBI have rounded up some more 'hackers' that were trading in Xbox One devkits, and passing info among themselves. One of people arrested in New Jersey is better known on many 'scene' forum sites like XboxHacker as 'SonicISO' and was originally the Admin behind the very popular E3-Forums for E3 Flasher and their ODE device before it was suddenly shutdown earlier this year. A New Jersey man, a Wisconsin teen and a man from Canada are facing more than a dozen charges for allegedly breaking into computer systems and stealing sensitive information belonging to the U.S. Army and other companies, including Microsoft. Obtained and partially published Thursday by The Smoking Gun, the indictment - still sealed, but filed in U.S. District Court in Delaware - charges Sanadodeh Nesheiwat, 28, from New Jersey; Nathan Leroux, 19, from Wisconsin, and Canadian resident David Pokora. The men are alleged, beginning in 2011, to have begun a roughly two-year cyber crusade against video game companies, during which time they identified and exploited vulnerabilities in computer systems belonging to Microsoft, Valve Corporation, Activision Blizzard, Zombie Studios, and Epic Games, according to a report. The Microsoft breach enabled the alleged attackers to steal information on the then unreleased Xbox One, according to published pages of the indictment, which explain that the perpetrators were able to use that data to build counterfeit versions of the console, including one that was sold on eBay for $5,000. Intrusions into the computer systems of companies such as Epic Games and Activision Blizzard allowed the attackers to steal early copies of "Gears of War 3" and "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3," two blockbuster titles that had yet to be released at the time, according to the report. Also, Apache helicopter pilot simulation software designed for the U.S. Army was stolen from Zombie Studios, a company commissioned by the American military organization to develop the chopper training program, the report added. The men are facing 15 felony charges, including multiple counts of wire fraud, three counts of unauthorized computer access, two counts of copyright infringement, and one count each of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit theft of trade secrets, conspiracy to commit mail fraud, attempted mail fraud, conspiracy to commit identity theft, and aggravated identity theft. The indictment was returned by a grand jury in July and Nesheiwat and Leroux were arrested at their respective homes last week, according to the report, which adds that the status of Pokora was undetermined at the time. News-Source: Trio charged with hacking, stealing from Microsoft (via) XboxOneCrunch

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