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Kurzy ze dne: 22.01.2025 || EUR 25,145 || JPY 15,448 || USD 24,075 ||
čtvrtek 23.ledna 2025, Týden: 4, Den roce: 023,  dnes má svátek Zdeněk, zítra má svátek Milena
23.ledna 2025, Týden: 4, Den roce: 023,  dnes má svátek Zdeněk
DetailCacheKey:d-639837 slovo: 639837
Archegos' Bill Hwang sentenced to 18 years in prison for massive US fraud - Reuters

<ol><li><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilgFBVV95cUxOejJWcnMyM0FIcGVDXy1TS0U5Q1FZQmIyc0o1QWRoTVYxbWdFVndFVDcwSmlXV2hoUTdnSVZSTHkwOWlzcnVlTW1kODBESVZjVkNsaVR0algwUnd4dWNQODBueUNVSWV4N0ZZRFg1WVRpV3VHc2V2eG1MeklTMlRodUlMTGczdV9zd3pLNVZIWmpkcE1HV2c?oc=5" target="_blank">Archegos' Bill Hwang sentenced to 18 years in prison for massive US fraud</a>  Reuters</li><li><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiAFBVV95cUxPb1BTOGw5bDF6RXNmN1gtTjIyTTQ1ZWlTYW1fREc3V1dmU28xVEhpY3RPc093SDNHZm9qbl9iUF93MmNVR0l1Vk9ENmNwRGhiUWpGVnRoVDQ0UE5HLWVSZXRvQy1fQ3B6LUZacmNZYnNWVVp4S3Ntd1h4ZG5TYldrRV83V2ZYTlY20gGIAUFVX3lxTE9xZVJOUVZFSWhOenZtaUN5Nm9FQ0ZOVVluUXlKUk91bEV2OFVDQjBBM05CbUtiakxOMEtPV2R4azhYQ2JzTFI5N2s3d2FCTUZOMVk1VUZfX05QbXlGMU5WMFNWcmN6SU9rMzZRMk5GbWpfTUUzc3I1ajNYdFoxWERPSmFFR0J4TjQ?oc=5" target="_blank">Former billionaire investor Sung Kook ‘Bill’ Hwang sentenced to 18 years</a>  The Guardian</li><li><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitAFBVV95cUxNcVp1eGRPa2dGbzU2bE5VSTZ5bmxDVktZb3J4ZlkzbDJMbE5JU1ZZa3piVXFGdU1raVB0RjI5V0VGTlc2bHdSamN6cVBzcnVJRFBQSlBRdlFJdDVTSHMzZUotUmFaTVZwdGxtMmtVVVJZREg4aWJYRWptZS1LV1JLR0J0RnFJNl9oNjhZUlByR3ZJTmRIWFgzTkdlQWU3b29zaVVXM1NmaVJ0eHNfS25oQ1FkVmk?oc=5" target="_blank">Archegos’ Hwang Faces Sentence for Crimes That Shook Wall Street</a>  Bloomberg</li><li><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinwFBVV95cUxQMzZiN2xqdWRrWGgyci01bFhPZGNmLU1FSzBzZ0s0ZHRuUHVBUXVBSXAxQ0g3QklnRmdtWnhrb3djQjgyWWFjdmxYYVE1OThMT0VLdVBOM0k4aVdUNmNmMllhRTlTTE5BUTI0SERkNGxUMnBKM1RieEdzRTEtbGc1WmQyM2otVzJsRy1ZWjNreHFFRG5XVHJWcXYtcFhxS0k?oc=5" target="_blank">Archegos founder Bill Hwang tells court he can't pay $10 billion compensation to victims because he's only a millionaire</a>  Fortune</li></ol>


Čas načtení: 2024-11-20 22:44:51

Archegos' Bill Hwang sentenced to 18 years in prison for massive US fraud - Reuters

Archegos' Bill Hwang sentenced to 18 years in prison for massive US fraud  ReutersFormer billionaire investor Sung Kook ‘Bill’ Hwang sentenced to 18 years  The GuardianArchegos’ Hwang Faces Sentence for Crimes That Shook Wall Street  BloombergArchegos founder Bill Hwang tells court he can't pay $10 billion compensation to victims because he's only a millionaire  Fortune


Čas načtení: 2024-07-11 04:31:34

Archegos founder Bill Hwang found guilty of fraud - BBC.com

Archegos founder Bill Hwang found guilty of fraud  BBC.comArchegos founder Bill Hwang found guilty in multibillion-dollar fraud trial  CNNNews updates from July 10: Nato demands China stop support for Russia’s war; Bill Hwang convicted over Archegos collapse  Financial TimesArchegos’ Bill Hwang Convicted of Fraud, Market Manipulation  BloombergArchegos founder Bill Hwang convicted at fraud trial over fund's collapse  Reuters

Čas načtení: 2024-11-20 22:44:51

Archegos' Bill Hwang sentenced to 18 years in prison for massive US fraud - Reuters

Archegos' Bill Hwang sentenced to 18 years in prison for massive US fraud  ReutersFormer billionaire investor Sung Kook ‘Bill’ Hwang sentenced to 18 years  The GuardianArchegos’ Hwang Faces Sentence for Crimes That Shook Wall Street  BloombergArchegos founder Bill Hwang tells court he can't pay $10 billion compensation to victims because he's only a millionaire  Fortune

Čas načtení: 2024-05-08 18:08:25

Trial About to Begin for Billionaire Trader Accused of 'Pump and Brag Scheme' - The New York Times

Trial About to Begin for Billionaire Trader Accused of 'Pump and Brag Scheme'  The New York TimesBill Hwang arrives in court for trial over collapse of his $36 billion Archegos fund  ReutersThe alleged architect of a multibillion-dollar fraud that shook Wall Street heads to trial  CNNExplainer-What are the charges facing Archegos' founder Bill Hwang and his deputy?  Yahoo FinanceBill Hwang lost $35 billion. Now, prosecutors will try to prove it was a crime.  MarketWatch

Čas načtení: 2024-07-11 18:00:00

Podvod za sto miliard dolarů. Finančník byl odsouzen za obří skandál

Zakladatel společnosti Archegos Capital Management Sung Kook Hwang byl uznán vinným v 10 z 11 trestných činů v souvislosti s investiční společností, která se v roce 2021 zhroutila.