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čtvrtek 23.ledna 2025, Týden: 4, Den roce: 023,  dnes má svátek Zdeněk, zítra má svátek Milena
23.ledna 2025, Týden: 4, Den roce: 023,  dnes má svátek Zdeněk
DetailCacheKey:d-639836 slovo: 639836
The House will have its first openly trans member next year. The GOP is already attacking her. - Vox.com

<ol><li><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiwFBVV95cUxPQVBIclFYVGFJc3FyQldkWjE0OGtYODZfQlJUZmFUU2ZXZEl3T1NHXzNFMWR0S0JZdVNhQWdtRWprenZjcVczbUVTSnJXUUN1dXhpNlRDQ2twdFJDNHBBcjVRanMwY0xjaXkyNnZpRndpUVZ5RkNVRmRPMXpsd0Q4S3YxR1VOaFA5QUpV?oc=5" target="_blank">The House will have its first openly trans member next year. The GOP is already attacking her.</a>  Vox.com</li><li><a href="https://news.google.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?oc=5" target="_blank">Speaker Johnson announces new Capitol bathroom policy in response to controversy over trans House member</a>  Fox News</li><li><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwFBVV95cUxQREFvLTd2ZnA4X0p4bldGZmtIS2RUTVNGd25fN3ktcUttQ3pNTGdxaWlIbHd1WGcwak1Hczh2T0Y0Q1RYYzVUZEthUHBUSmlVTVZLcW40cmRTbVVjN19HUW1DR3FMRzA1Mm80Nml1V0J2T0JUVTNyTHdfTnRXTUlnakRHX1hXSGV5LTVRQV9Bd0Zxb2h0SEVndU5LYWwteVM2Qi0tN2hvcw?oc=5" target="_blank">Speaker Mike Johnson Says He Will Ban Transgender Women From Capitol Bathrooms</a>  The New York Times</li></ol>


Čas načtení: 2024-11-20 23:00:00

The House will have its first openly trans member next year. The GOP is already attacking her. - Vox.com

The House will have its first openly trans member next year. The GOP is already attacking her.  Vox.comSpeaker Johnson announces new Capitol bathroom policy in response to controversy over trans House member  Fox NewsSpeaker Mike Johnson Says He Will Ban Transgender Women From Capitol Bathrooms  The New York Times


Čas načtení: 2024-10-09 12:07:39

Novozélandský poukai: Lovil i Maory?

Uprostřed maorské vesnice stojí dřevěný dům, který připomíná střechu. Zdobí ho mistrovská řezbařina zvaná marae. Právě před ním nervózně postává několik spoře oděných tetovaných mužů zahalených do hrubých lněných plášťů. Mezi nimi leží na nosítkách mrtvé tělo jednoho z nejlepších lovců.   „Napadl ho poukai,“ shodnou se, když zrakem přejedou hluboké krvavé rány. Poukai je

Čas načtení: 2024-09-19 18:25:51

DeSantis probe into possible Trump assassination attempt raises concern - The Washington Post

DeSantis probe into possible Trump assassination attempt raises concern  The Washington PostTrump assassination attempt suspect Ryan Routh smirks in new Florida mugshot as more life details emerge  Fox NewsAttacking the President, Attacking the Nation  The Atlantic

Čas načtení: 2024-02-28 15:53:29

How police missed the chance to catch Emma's killer

Iain Packer was left free to continue attacking women while senior officers pursued a case against four Turkish men.

Čas načtení: 2024-03-27 00:58:17

Taylor Swift's dad dodges assault charge in Australia

A paparazzo accused Scott Swift of attacking him in the hours after the megastar's final show in Sydney.

Čas načtení: 2024-04-04 10:00:00

Hard to understand cowardice of the West in Ukraine

 We have just returned from  Kharkiv, one of Ukraine's largest cities, which lies within "comfortable" distance  of the Russian border. Russia has been murdering civilians there unhindered, while Ukraine is being chastised for attacking Russian war resources. And the West, permanently in a pre-election mood,  hesitates...Kharkiv doesn't get many visitors anymore, especially Western politicians are afraid to come here. Because the war there is indeed ever-present and palpable at every turn. From the "blooms" left by mortar shells, to the broken windows after rocket and aerial bomb explosions, to the destroyed houses in the city centre or the ghostly Saltivka housing estate.

Čas načtení: 2024-04-06 03:12:35

Diddy's son accused of sexual assault in lawsuit

Christian "King" Combs is accused of attacking a woman on a yacht during a 2022 family vacation in St Martin.

Čas načtení: 2024-04-16 15:07:40

Iranians on edge as leaders say 'Tel Aviv is our battleground'

The authorities defend attacking Israel, but not all Iranians see it that way.

Čas načtení: 2024-04-18 18:12:07

U.S. targets Iran's drone production in retaliation for Israel attack - The Washington Post - The Washington Post

U.S. targets Iran's drone production in retaliation for Israel attack - The Washington Post  The Washington PostMiddle East Crisis: Biden Announces New Sanctions on Iran for Attacking Israel  The New York TimesUS slaps new sanctions on Iran’s drone program as Israel considers response to weekend attack  CNNThe Latest | Netanyahu says Israel will decide how to respond as Iran warns against retaliation  The Associated PressWhite House to announce new sanctions on Iran following Israel airstrike  The Hill

Čas načtení: 2024-05-18 13:08:08

CCTV appears to show rapper ‘Diddy’ beating girlfriend in hotel | BBC News - BBC News

CCTV appears to show rapper ‘Diddy’ beating girlfriend in hotel | BBC News  BBC NewsSean 'Diddy' Combs hotel video likely to speed up federal case, investigator says  Fox NewsSean 'Diddy' Combs Settled Civil Lawsuit with Cassie 'So Quickly' Because of 2016 Hotel Surveillance Video, Says Former CIA Agent  PEOPLE5/17: CBS Evening News  CBS NewsSean 'Diddy' Combs faces growing peril after video shows him attacking Cassie Ventura  Yahoo Entertainment

Čas načtení: 2024-05-19 18:06:19

Sean 'Diddy' Combs apologises for 'inexcusable' behaviour

His statement comes after CCTV appeared to show him attacking singer Casandra "Cassie" Ventura.

Čas načtení: 2024-05-22 06:22:18

US says Russia likely launched anti-satellite weapon

The Russian satellite launched last week may be capable of attacking other satellites, the Pentagon says.

Čas načtení: 2024-05-22 14:08:34

Liverpool's Doak gives 'something different' to Scots

Ben Doak adds attacking pace for Scotland, says head coach Steve Clarke after picking the Liverpool teenager for his provisional Euros squad.

Čas načtení: 2024-05-23 16:46:35

Cassie posts first statement since Diddy footage

Footage emerged last week which showed rapper Diddy attacking the singer in 2016.

Čas načtení: 2024-05-24 22:51:27

UCLA police make first arrest in mob attack on pro-Palestinian encampment - Yahoo! Voices

UCLA police make first arrest in mob attack on pro-Palestinian encampment  Yahoo! VoicesUCLA police arrest man accused of attacking pro-Palestinian encampment  KTLA Los AngelesU.C.L.A. Police Make First Arrest in Attack on Protest Encampment  The New York Times

Čas načtení: 2024-05-25 04:58:00

Prosecutors seek to bar Trump from statements endangering law enforcement in classified records case - The Associated Press

Prosecutors seek to bar Trump from statements endangering law enforcement in classified records case  The Associated PressJack Smith seeks court limit on Trump’s false accusations against FBI  The Washington PostSpecial counsel asks judge for gag order in Trump classified documents case  CNNProsecutors Seek to Bar Trump From Attacking F.B.I. Agents in Documents Case  The New York TimesSpecial counsel Smith seeks order from judge barring Trump from making statements that pose risk to law enforcement  ABC News

Čas načtení: 2024-05-28 04:09:08

Trump responds to special counsel's effort to limit his remarks about FBI in documents case - CBS News

Trump responds to special counsel's effort to limit his remarks about FBI in documents case  CBS NewsProsecutors Seek to Bar Trump From Attacking F.B.I. Agents in Documents Case  The New York TimesTrump seeks to deny prosecutors' gag-order motion in documents case  Reuters

Čas načtení: 2024-06-07 21:45:00

Danish PM attacked in central Copenhagen, man arrested - Reuters

Danish PM attacked in central Copenhagen, man arrested  ReutersDanish PM hit by man in Copenhagen street, her office says  BBC.comDanish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen attacked by man in Copenhagen  CNNMan arrested after attacking Denmark’s prime minister Mette Frederiksen  The GuardianThe Danish prime minister is assaulted on a Copenhagen square, media reports say  The Hill

Čas načtení: 2024-06-23 07:50:07

Zavoral, Antonín

Autor: agnes Datum: 23.06.2024 07:50:07 Příjmení:Surname:ZavoralZavoralJméno:Given Name:AntonínAntoninJméno v originále:Original Name:Antonín ZavoralFotografie či obrázek:Photograph or Picture:Hodnost:Rank:plukovník in memoriamColonel in memoriamAkademický či vědecký titul:Academic or Scientific Title:--Šlechtický titul:Hereditary Title:--Datum, místo narození:Date and Place of Birth:14.01.1917 Třebechovice pod Orebem / 14.01.1917 Trebechovice pod Orebem / Datum, místo úmrtí:Date and Place of Decease: 31.10.1941 Lamanšský průliv u Dunkerque / 31.10.1941 English Channel near Dunkirk / Nejvýznamnější funkce:(maximálně tři)Most Important Appointments:(up to three)- stíhací pilot- stíhací pilotJiné významné skutečnosti:(maximálně tři)Other Notable Facts:(up to three)- během služby si připsal 2 vzdušná vítězství- sestřelen protiletadlovou palbou během operačního letu při útoku na lodě na letounu Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIB (BE403/AF- )- scored 2 aerial victories during his service- shot down by anti-aircraft fire during an operational flight while attacking ships on a Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIB (BE403/AF- )Související články:Related Articles:Zdroje:Sources:RAJLICH, Jiří. Na nebi sladké Francie, Svět křídel, Cheb 2008, ISBN 978-80-86808-51-2 RAJLICH, Jiří. Na nebi hrdého Albionu. 7. část, Černá kronika československého letectva v RAF 1940-1945. Cheb: Svět křídel, 2004. ISBN 80-86808-12-2. PTÁČEK, Josef a RAIL, Jan. Letci Královéhradecka v druhém čs. zahraničním odboji (1939-1945). V Hradci Králové: Muzeum východních Čech, 2000. ISBN 80-85031-34-5. www.osobnostiregionu.czfcafa.comhttps://www.bbm.org.uk/airmen/Zavoral.htmrafaci.czwww.vuapraha.czhttps://www.vuapraha.cz/padli-2-svetova/1438www.cwgc.org

Čas načtení: 2024-06-26 10:00:00

Cvičený pes izraelské armády brutálně napadá šestašedesátiletou ženu v jejím vlastním příbytku

Televizní stanice Al-Džazíra odvysílala video, na kterém je zachycen pes izraelské armády. jak napadá a krutě kouše 66letou palestinskou ženu v jejím bytě.ve městě Jabalia na severu Gazy. Video bylo získáno  z kamery připevněné na samotném psu. Al Jazeera network broadcasted a video showing an Israeli army dog attacking and viciously biting a 66 year old Palestinian woman in her house in Jabalia city, North Gaza. The video was obtained by from the camera attached to the dog itself. pic.twitter.com/HFhAL7KtV8— Mustafa Barghouti @Mustafa_Barghouti (@MustafaBarghou1) June 25, 2024 Hlavním dodavatelem cvičených psů izraelské armádě je holandská firma Four Winds K9 Re that video of the elderly woman in Gaza mauled by an Israeli dog: the Dutch breeder Four Winds K9 has been the main supplier of dogs to the Israeli military for decades. Time to take a bite out of genocidal apartheid https://t.co/3c0TcrD5GL— Mouin Rabbani (@MouinRabbani) June 25, 2024

Čas načtení: 2024-06-27 20:03:29

Foden to return to England camp after birth of child

England attacking midfielder Phil Foden will return to Germany on Thursday after travelling to the United Kingdom for the birth of his third child.