Ve spolupráci s představujeme exkluzivní noc v čístých Techno beatech s názvem Enjoy® DARK NIGHT! 17.2.2017 v MKO, Plzeň
---===---Čas načtení: 2017-02-04 19:06:54
Enjoy® DARK NIGHT w/ local Techno deejays
Ve spolupráci s představujeme exkluzivní noc v čístých Techno beatech s názvem Enjoy® DARK NIGHT! 17.2.2017 v MKO, Plzeň
Čas načtení: 2024-10-29 21:59:59
Svatomartinská husa: Tradice s historickými kořeny
Svatomartinská husa: Tradice s historickými kořeny redakce Út, 10/29/2024 - 21:59 Drůbež 1 - 1000 Kč Mírný 30 minut a více Klíčová slova: svatomartinská husa svatomartinská husa recept recepty svatomartinská husa Co je potřeba Suroviny na 6 porcí: 1 celá husa 1 lžička celého kmínu 1 lžička soli 50 ml mléka na potření 3 celá jablka Hodnocení Zvolte hodnoceníGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5 Postup: V předvečer plánovaného pečení svatomartinské husy, ji celou omyjte, osušte a odkrojte kůži, která přebývá, nebo působí nevzhledně. Poté celou husu zvenku i zevnitř důkladně posolte a sůl vetřete do kůže. Maso se tak krásně namarinuje a zároveň zkřehne. Následně husu uložte do lednice a nechte odpočívat do druhého dne. Alespoň 2 hodiny před pečením husu vyndejte z lednice, aby se stačila aklimatizovat v pokojové teplotě. Proč? Nezažije takový teplotní šok, takže maso bude opět o trochu měkčí a křehčí. Troubu nastavte na 100 °C a husu ze všech stran okmínujte. Oloupejte jablka a vložte je do vnitřku husy. Tímto krokem si opět pomůžete k lepší a šťavnatější chuti. Husu přendejte do dostatečně velkého pekáče. Sáhněte nejlépe po pekáči, který lze zavřít. Pokud ale takový doma nemáte, můžete husu v pekáči pouze přiklopit alobalem. V takovém případě je ale potřeba alobal po stranách dobře utěsnit, aby při pečení neunikala pára a husa se dobře propekla. Takto ji dejte do rozehřáté trouby a nechte péct přes noc klidně 12 a více hodin. Zde totiž platí, čím déle, tím lépe. Husu není potřeba příliš podlévat, jen ji čas od času zkontrolujte. Nesnažte se celá proces pečení urychlit a opravdu husu pečte při nízké teplotě. Po 12 hodinách husu vyndejte z trouby a teplotu zvedněte na 200 °C. Dosáhnete tak křehké a křupavé kůžičky. V pekáčku bude plno sádla, které ale rozhodně nevylévejte. To by byla obrovská škoda. Dá se použít na pečení dalších pokrmů. Husu potřete mlékem, které pomůže vytvořit dokonalou křupavou kůrku a cca 20-30 minut ji pečte do zezlátnutí. Jakmile husu vyndáte z trouby, opět ji nechte trošku nadechnout. Krájejte ji klidně až o 10 minut později. Maso takto stačí povolit, bude krásně křehké a kůrka křupavá. Ke svatomartinské husičce se báječně hodí domácí lokše, různé druhy knedlíků, samozřejmě domácí zelí, ať už to červené, nebo bílé. Nezapomeňte na Svatomartinské víno! Přidat komentář Foto Svatý Martin, římský voják, který se později stal biskupem v Tours, je uctíván po celé Evropě. Podle legendy se skryl před pronásledovateli v husím chlévě. Aby ho husy neodhalily, schoval se do křoví. Na památku tohoto úkrytu se na svátek svatého Martina, který připadá na 11. listopadu, peče husa. Tento zvyk se rozšířil po celé Evropě a stal se neodmyslitelnou součástí podzimních slavností.
Čas načtení: 2014-11-27 16:56:54
RGH2 (phat) firmware for X360ACE released
Nice update for RGH'ing the Phat Xbox360's consoles by 15432 15432 over at has released custom firmwares in XSVF format for X360ACE v1/v2 to support RGH2 in fat Xbox 360 consoles. The firmware files can be flashed via JTAG interface. ModRobert over at EurAsia is reporting that 15432 has released a nice update for the X360ACE glitch'ing chips that are very affordable let via stable, so now with this custom firmware you be able to easy RGH your Phat Xbox 360 console. Here is the translated tutorial from HackFAQ posted by 15432 in Russian: For about a month I have been working on the launch of the chip RGH2 x360ace. Finally, everything is ready for release! For fun, try to arrange an article in the form of FAQ Q: Why now? RGH2 on veils was for a long time! A: Cheap and powerful chips x360ace appeared relatively recently. Besides, I was impressed this video ( ) Indicating that stable RGH2 on fatkah possible. Q: The video and so x360ace, why do something different? A: Unfortunately, the author has not posted any code or xsvf files. I had to do everything myself Q: How quickly start? A: In my console - in the region of 4 cycles. But I did not even try to optimize starts by moving the wires and other magic. I'm sure you can do better. Q: Faster than CR4? A: No, not faster. Using ECC CR4 images can be reduced to the time of one cycle, but stability at start up CR4. Q: What console are supported? A: Judging by the reviews on Falcon and Jasper works. When will I Zephyr and Xenon - and for them to do Q: Where can I download ?? A: Set the firmware available here ( ) Source code posted on GitHub ( ) Q: The most important question. How to install? A: For starters, you need to find x360ace v1 or v2: You can buy them on the ebay or aliexpress. With a price of $ 2 - $ 10 apiece, a fake bump difficult because almost nobody forges. Then find what they ask. XSVF files are supported by programmers as Super NAND Flasher, NAND-X and JR-Programmer If zamorochitsya separately, can be written through Squirt 360 flasher and even after MTX SPI Flasher. But still recommend something from above. Contact us to write firmware are on the opposite side of the chip: Next you need to solder them to the console. Points marked similarly TX Coolrunner, problems should arise. Use your favorite laying wires, then I will tell you how to find the appropriate firmware file. The only thing that requires change is the chip power. Need to unsolder and solder the diode at that point postings with 1.8V: 1.8V to take from here: So. Now the most interesting - how to choose the firmware. important note. if the chip is already soldered to the console before the firmware you want to paste the power to Xbox! Firmware files are named according to the principle l x _s y, where x - pulse length, y - the start point. Diode chip flashes to the beat of the bus post_out, it will help to choose the right firmware without logic analyzer. Most importantly - find the pulse length is the main problem RGH2. It's simple, but the sign for more info: -- write l6_s5.xsvf, look at the behavior of the LED. -- most likely for one cycle you will see a lot of small pulses and one of Authenticity ("long" cycle). This means that the pulse length is too small. -- take the firmware with more length, for example l7_s5.xsvf, again, look at the diode. -- continue to increase the length, until there are only cycles of short pulses blinking ("short" cycle). -- Finally, you need to choose a length, when there are "short" and "long" cycles interspersed. -- If not, then select the minimum length of a short cycle. Once decided on the length, select the time of discharge, it is easier - to sort out all 4 options. In general, I have triggered flash l7_s6 and l7_s7. Startups are not perfect, sometimes up to 15 cycles comes, but I'm not trying to change the styling. Who are interested, here's a video, shot in the dark 7 on the video starts, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 2, 2, 11 We'll see both long and short flashes when trying to start, but nothing more to be seen) For more info please see the original source ( ( )) and for the needed files, check out the news links below. -- Enjoy! News-Source: RGH2 (phat) firmware for X360ACE released (via) EurAsia ( )
Čas načtení: 2014-06-05 02:49:52
XBOX One External Storage Device Converter
The recently released XBOX One External Storage Device Converter has now been updated by author 'Angerwound' to version 1.1 with lots more useful features, here is the full changelog: *Changes* - Ability for creation of new storage devices allowing people without the June System Preview update to make use of external storage! - Ability for USB 2.0 drives to be used with the console. - Capability to create and utilize multiple partitions on a single drive for use with the XBOX One. Overview: This application will make a hard drive used for XBOX One External Storage (released in the June System Update); recognizable to a PC for read/write of the data. It will also allow you the ability to create an XBOX One External Storage device right from the application. This allows people without the June Preview Update to utilize External Storage capabilities in the latest Public System Update. Note: This application requires Administrator privileges on execution otherwise it may state "No storage devices found". Usage: (Enable read/write of XBOX One External Storage Device) 1) Plug in your XBOX One external storage device into your PC after it has been formatted for use on your console. 2) Open the application and choose "SCAN". 3) Your device should be listed. Right click and choose "Enable PC Mode". 4) Choose scan again; and you should see that your device is now in PC Mode. 5) Disconnect/Reconnect your drive and Windows should now mount the drive allowing you to read/write the files stored by the console. You could also do a refresh in Disk Management instead of disconnect/reconnect. When you are ready to return the device to your console: 1) Open the application and do a scan. 2) Choose your device, right click and "Enable XBOX Mode". **This needs to be done before your console will recognize the drive. If you forget to do this; your console will ask to reformat it (losing all your data). Usage: (Create a new XBOX One External Storage Device) 1) Plug in a USB 3.0 enabled Disk Drive into your PC. 2) Format the drive so that it is visible to your PC in a logical drive format (NTFS, FAT, etc). 3) Choose "Create XBOX Drive". 4) Select the drive. 5) Continue through the warnings. 6) Drive should show up in the list. 7) Plug your drive into your XBOX One console and enjoy External Storage capabilities. (Preview update or not!) Usage: (Create a new XBOX One External Storage Device With Multiple Partitions) 1) Plugin a USB 3.0 enabled Disk Drive into your PC. 2) Using Disk Management in windows; create multiple NTFS partitions of varying sizes on the drive. 3) Open the application and choose SCAN. 4) Choose the drive you partitioned appropriately. 5) Right click and "Enable XBOX Mode" 6) Plug drive into XBOX One. The console will see multiple drives/partitions for use with storage. *WARNING* This application scans and makes modifications to the MBR of the drive. I take no responsibility for any damage done to the device or loss of data caused by utilizing this application. This has been tested on only a handful of drives; so there could be issues. Use at your own risk. *NOTES* - If you do not have the June Preview Update you can still utilize external storage capabilities. Your console will recognize the device and use it for storage if you are out of space on your internal drive. However, you will not have the capabilities to transfer files from Internal -> External and vice versa that the June update provides until it is released to the public. - USB 2.0 devices can also be utilized but will not be recognized straight away. In an odd workaround; if you plugin a USB 3.0 enabled XBOX One External Drive into your console; and then plugin a USB 2.0 enabled one - the console will utilize the USB 2.0 drive. News-Source: NFO #2338 via (XBins) ( )
Čas načtení: 2014-05-27 15:56:13
XBOX One External Storage Device Converter
Neat PC Utility in advance of big June XB1 Update Coming in June is major Xbox One dashboard update, and with it comes the feature of 'External Storage' but the drives are reformatted for XB1 use only, with this utility you can switch back and forth. One problem with the upcoming XB1 external storage feature is that it reformats your USB HDD to its own format system. With this cool new PC utility you can switch your drive back to access the stored data on your PC and switch to back to XBOX mode. XBOX One External Storage Device Converter Version 1.0 Angerwound - angerwound @ gmail . com Overview: This application will make a hard drive used for XBOX One External Storage (released in the June System Update); recognizable to a PC for read/write of the data. Note: This application requires Administrator privileges on execution otherwise it may state "No storage devices found". Usage: -- Plug in your XBOX One external storage device into your PC after it has been formatted for use on your console. -- Open the application and choose "SCAN". -- Your device should be listed. Right click and choose "Enable PC Mode". -- Choose scan again; and you should see that your device is now in PC Mode. -- Disconnect/Reconnect your drive and Windows should now mount the drive allowing you to read/write the files stored by the console. You could also do a refresh in Disk Management instead of disconnect/reconnect. When you are ready to return the device to your console: -- Open the application and do a scan. -- Choose your device, right click and "Enable XBOX Mode". **This needs to be done before your console will recognize the drive. If you forget to do this; your console will ask to reformat it (losing all your data). *WARNING* This application scans and makes modifications to the MBR of the drive. I take no responsibility for any damage done to the device or loss of data caused by utilizing this application. This has been tested on only a handful of drives; so there could be issues. Use at your own risk. Check out the forums link below for a direct download link. -- Enjoy! News-Source: XBOX One External Storage Device Converter (via) XboxOneCrunch ( )
Čas načtení: 2014-05-13 23:03:40
Xbox One: Delivering More Choices for Fans
No more Kinect, Only $399 Now, and No more paywall for 'streaming' apps like NetFlix Just weeks before E3, Microsoft has done another huge 180 on their Xbox One Marketing plans, by dumping Kinect finally, and removing Xbox Live Gold from its apps, and dropping the price to $399 & more Lots of people are wondering why Microsoft didn't wait until E3 for their big Press Conference to announce the huge changes to Xbox One , so they could hype up the 'listen to consumers' on stage and rape in all the free mainstream press coverage, but instead they decided to silently leak out the huge changes via MajorNelson and other blogs, and they are big ones. -- No More Kinect. -- Xbox One to be only $399 Now. -- And no more paywall for Netflix, Twitch and other key apps, all FREE now. Besides the above there is bunch of other changes listed below, and it seems M$ wants to remove that growing gap between their rival PS4, and even tho E3 is 5 weeks away, they can't afford to wait and allow that gap to get any bigger, and now going all-in to win this next-gen console war, with E3 being solely focused on their huge exclusive line-up of new games due to be release thru-out 2014/15. Here is what Major Nelson said about the sudden changes to Xbox One: First, beginning on June 9th, in all markets where Xbox One is sold, we will offer Xbox One starting at $399*. This is a new console option that does not include Kinect. For $399, our new Xbox One offering will continue to deliver access to the best blockbuster games like "Titanfall," "Call of Duty: Ghosts," "Forza Motorsport 5," "Dead Rising 3," and the upcoming "Watch Dogs," "Destiny" and "Sunset Overdrive." You will also be able to access popular entertainment apps, such as Twitch, YouTube, and Netflix, as well as watch live TV and use OneGuide. Finally, you will continue to be able to use many of the unique features of Xbox One including the ability to get game invites while you watch TV, switch between games and entertainment apps, enjoy Twitch broadcasts, and upload your favorite gaming moments. Next, we're bringing more value to our Xbox Live Gold members while extending the entertainment experiences available through Xbox to every connected console. So, also starting in June, we will roll out a new set of benefits for our Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One and we will offer anyone who owns an Xbox 360 or Xbox One access to popular games and entertainment apps without an Xbox Live Gold membership. Here is what you can expect from the new generation of Xbox Live: -- Free games with Games with Gold**. Since Games with Gold launched on Xbox 360 a year ago, over 12 million people have enjoyed great free games, resulting in nearly 200 million hours of free fun playing Games with Gold titles. We've been learning from your feedback and have focused on making improvements each month to the selection of titles. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Games with Gold for Xbox 360 and as a thank you for helping shape this program, members will receive an additional free Xbox 360 game in June. The Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 in June are "Dark Souls," "Charlie Murder" and a bonus game of "Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition." We're pleased to bring Games with Gold to Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One in June. Members will have subscription-based access to free games ranging from top hits to breaking indie stars. The program will launch on Xbox One with "Max: The Curse of Brotherhood" and "Halo: Spartan Assault." A single Gold membership will get you access to the free games for both Xbox One and Xbox 360. -- Exclusive Discounts. Deals with Gold will also launch for Xbox One in June, delivering discounts for great games each month, with significant savings for Xbox Live Gold members. The first titles offered in June will include "Forza Motorsport 5," "Ryse: Son of Rome," and a few other surprises. This program will continue to be available for Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox 360. And new on Xbox One, we will launch a virtual VIP room exclusive to Xbox Live Gold members where we will feature free games, monthly deals, and other great benefits. -- Popular entertainment apps will be available for all Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners. Xbox 360 has been a leader in delivering entertainment experiences for years, with over 170 global entertainment apps and experiences available today. We're constantly adding new partners and experiences to the growing catalog on Xbox One. Coming in June, anyone with an Xbox will be able to access popular entertainment experiences - whether or not you have an Xbox Live Gold membership. This includes great gaming apps like Machinima, Twitch and Upload, popular video services like Netflix, Univision Deportes, GoPro, Redbull and HBO Go, sports experiences like the NFL app for Xbox One,, NBA Game Time, NHL Game Center and more.*** Microsoft experiences including Internet Explorer, Skype, OneDrive and OneGuide will also be available to all Xbox customers.**** You can find a full list of apps and features that will be available below and here. We've heard that you want more choices from Xbox One. You want a wide variety of options in your games and entertainment experiences and you also want options in your hardware selection. To be clear, as we introduce this new Xbox One console option, Kinect remains an important part of our vision. Many of you are using Kinect for Xbox One every day. In fact, more than 80 percent of you are actively using Kinect, with an average of 120 voice commands per month on each console. Some of the most popular voice commands include "Xbox On," "Xbox Broadcast" and "Xbox Record That." We will continue to offer a premium Xbox One with Kinect bundle to deliver voice and gesture controls, biometric sign-in, instant personalization, instant scanning of QR codes, and enhanced features only available with Kinect in games such as "Kinect Sports Rivals," "Just Dance 2014," "Project Spark" and more. Major Nelson ends his blog post, with the fact that Kinect will be available soon by itself for those that wish to jump into the Kinect experience this Fall after seeing the awesome power of Xbox One console by itself, without the game enhancing power of Kinect. So what do you think about the sudden changes, and doing it a month before E3, will it make Xbox the winner over PlayStation? News-Source: Xbox One: Delivering More Choices for Fans (via) MaxConsole ( )
Čas načtení: 2012-07-17 00:00:00
Kompletní kolekce 10.Deep na léto 2012
Label 10.Deep přichází s kolekcí na léto 2012 a Stylehunter u toho samozřejmě nesmí chybět. V dnešním článku jsme si pro vás připravili kompletní shrnutí jejich nové edice. Enjoy! Pravděpodobně všichni víme, co můžeme od nové edice čekat. Spoustů nápisů, viditelný branding a fresh motivy. Zapomenu ...
Čas načtení: 2024-02-23 12:07:00
VIDEO: Prahu rozzářila show legendárních depešáků. Na pódiu to pořádně rozjeli
Dominantou celé show, která se odehrála v pražské O2 areně ve čtvrtek, bylo obrovské písmeno M. Členové kapely byli oblečeni do svých typicky černých barev, o to více ale barevný byl celý koncert doprovázený světelnou show, která místy až oslepovala všechny příchozí. Na videu je vidět, jak na celé představení reagují fanoušci, i průřez známých hitů, kde nemohl chybět ani Enjoy The Silence nebo Personal Jesus. Jaká byla v hale atmosféra, se podívejte sami.
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Čas načtení: 2024-10-08 07:00:00
Google Recognizes P3 as Accredited Android™ Automotive 3PL Vendor for AAOS Compliance / xTS
Stuttgart (Germany) October 8th 2024 (PROTEXT/ots) - Highlights:Google has certified P3 as an accredited partner in its Third-Party Lab (3PL) Vendor program that ensures Android Automotive Operating System (AAOS) compliance.P3 was selected as one of Google's certification partners for in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) in the new Android Automotive partner ecosystem.P3 Group is an international technology and software consulting company with over 28 years' experience supporting major players in the automotive industry.Independent international consulting technology and software development company P3 announces its official accreditation by Google as a Third-Party Laboratory (3PL) partner for the testing and certification of Android Automotive In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems.Partnership OverviewThe partnership between P3 and Google establishes a comprehensive framework for the certification of Google's authorized Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) partners. P3 Group will oversee and execute rigorous testing and certification to ensure that Android Automotive OS (AAOS) based infotainment systems meet the highest standards of quality and dependability.P3 as Accredited Android Automotive 3PL Vendor for AAOS Compliance/xTSAndroid Automotive OS is an infotainment platform built into vehicles by manufacturers. Drivers can enjoy a user-centric and intuitive IVI interface that's specifically designed for the vehicle screen.To release an IVI system with Google apps and services in a vehicle, OEMs must meet certain compatibility and quality standards and acquire the necessary certifications from Google.Google requires OEMs to run comprehensive tests before an Android software build can be deployed. Collectively, this series of tests is referred to as xTS. These include tests for Compatibility, Vendor Tests, Build Test Suite, Security Test Suite, among others.P3 Group executes a wide range of xTS test cases including CTS (Compatibility Test Suite), VTS (Vendor Test Suite), CTS-on-GSI (Generic System Image), VTS GKI (Generic Kernel Image), STS (Security Test Suite), BTS (Boot Test Suite), and ATS (Automotive Test Suite). The team focuses on automating test procedures to maximize efficiency, reduce manual effort, and optimize costs. P3 Group performs continuous executions of xTS tests, meticulously analyzing the results and logging any test failures to maintain high standards of quality and performance.The 3PL Vendor Ecosystem for Android Automotive OS Compliance is designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of AAOS solutions and products by connecting OEMs with top-tier providers of compliance assurance services.The partnership between P3 group and Google establishes a comprehensive framework for the certification of Google's authorized Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) partners in the automotive sector. Through this partnership, all stakeholders can be confident that their Android Automotive OS (AAOS) systems will be able to fulfill the highest performance and compliance standards in terms of quality and dependability.P3 guarantees partners access to comprehensive test findings, which enables in-depth problem-solving and analysis. Certified specialists are deployed to support the OEM's development teams to resolve xTS problems found in the source code, improving the overall caliber of the product.Global ReachAs Google's Android Automotive 3PL partner, P3 Group will deliver these services from multiple locations worldwide, including facilities Stuttgart, Germany; Paris, France; Detroit, USA; Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, Korea. P3's extensive network of specialist automotive engineering expertise ensures that it can support OEM partners globally, providing localized expertise and agile support. Commitment to Excellence"P3's accreditation as a Google 3PL for Android Automotive IVI systems is an honor and testament to our dedication to quality and innovation. We are excited to collaborate with Google and OEM partners to deliver cutting-edge infotainment solutions that enhance the driving experience for users worldwide. P3 has long supported numerous OEMs to successfully achieve their xTS certifications in different series vehicles. To receive this recognition by Google is a meaningful endorsement of the role we're playing to bring truly user-centric infotainment enriched with the flexibility and choice enabled by Android Automotive to more and more people," said Marius Mailat, CTO of P3.P3 will collaborate closely with the 3PL Compliance Team to ensure adherence to all guidelines and standards set forth by Google, guaranteeing the highest quality of service.About P3 P3 Group is an independent international technology and software consulting company founded in 1996 in Aachen, Germany. P3 offers technical consulting, engineering services, and software development across various sectors, from automotive to energy. With over 1800 employees and 19 subsidiaries spanning 30 locations globally, P3 continues its commitment to diverse innovations.- Picture is available at AP -For more information, please visit: P3 Group Website or P3 Group LinkedIn.For media information: Cynthia Ritchie +44 20 4518 7555Google and Android are trademarks of Google LLC.
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Yamamoto helps Dodgers take 2-0 World Series lead
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